07 september 2011

Noortevahetus Poolas (oktoobri lõpp) Fairytale - European treasury of Wisdom

Oktoobri lõpus toimub Poolas, Jantaris, noortevahetus, kus osalevad eestlased, poolakad ja türklased. Teemaks legendid, müüdid, Euroopa teadlikkus ja kultuuride vaheline dialoog. Noortevahetus toimub sügisese koolivaheaja ajal (22.10 - 30.10.2011) ning Eesti noortele on 15 kohta. Elamine, toit jm on tasuta, endal tuleb katta 30 % reisikuludest ja reisikindlustus (umbes 10 €). Osavõtutasu ei ole. Huvi korral võta ühendust: seiklejate.vennaskond@gmail.com.

Rohkem infot:

Youth Exchange (Poland, Estonia, Turkey) will be organized in the village in Jantar (small town on the seaside) .

The project is called the Fairytale - European treasury of Wisdom - (Fairy Tales - Treasure of Wisdom) and the applicable knowledge of legends and fairy tales.  The project, will take 8 days. The project will be implemented as part of 1.1. Youth Exchange with the Youth in Action. ”

The project will be attended by a group of 45 young people (15 PL, 15 EST and 15TR). The main theme of the
project is a European awareness and religious dialogue.

A project dedicated to the legends will help us understand the formation of the European Union, Poland, Turkey and Estonia, and to demonstrate it in a very creative way.

 Activities that will be used in the project will review the main concern of legends and fairy tales directly related to Europe. Our task will be to create a fictional legend, in which the main characters will be Polish, Estonian and

We will also present our stories that we learned in childhood, and moved by us today. We will take part in a masked ball, where w e will disguise our self as fabulous and legendary figures (we will be kings, princesses and dragons).

During the workshops and activities with the European Union we will increase our knowledge in this topic.

Vaata pilte eelmisest projektist Jantaris: