1.-8. juuli 2012 toimub Türgis koolitus "ABC of First Aid", mille eesmärgiks on täiendada oma teadmisi ja oskusi esmase meditsiiniabi andmise alal. Eesti osalejatele on kolm kohta. Lisaks on kohal Hispaania, Itaalia, Poola, Tšehhi vabariik ja Leedu. Koolitus toimub Kesk-Türgis. Ise tuleb katta 30 % lennukipiletite hinnast (ca 350 eurot hetkel) ja reisikindlustus.
Projekti ajal külastatakse ka Cappadocia regiooni |
The summary of
the Project:
The project ' ABC of First
Aid' is an international training course under Youth in Action programme-Action
4.3. The project takes place in Aksaray/Turkey during the dates 01/07/2012 to
08/07/2012. The partner organisations are AREA DE JUVENTUD AYUNTAMIENTO ALCALA
LA REAL from Spain, PROGIITAMO...IL FUTURO from Italy, Semper Avanti from
Poland, Manucipality of Velka Mezirici from Chech Republic, Sudota Village
Community from Lithuania and SEIKLEJATE VENNASKOND from Estonia.
Using non formal education
tools such as panel, field visits, presentations, group works and applied courses;
the training course aims at teaching 29 young people from different cultures
and backgrounds about basic first aid. The main objectives of the project are
to raise the awareness of young participants and the local people to first aid,
and to train them with a total 20 hours course given by experts in the field.
The programme also covers an activity in local community to teach people about first aid
tecniques.This will also help to promote the visibility of Youth in Action
programme during
the training, English will be the common language among participant.
Osalejad leitud.