15-21. märts toimub Ida-Türgis koolitus, mille teemaks on vabatahtlikkus ja inimõigused. Kokku tuleb 30 noortejuhti ja noorsootöötajat Türgist, Eestist, Leedust, Ukrainast, Valgevenest, Armeeniast, Gruusiast, Itaaliast, Moldovast, Taanist, Norrast ja Prantsusmaalt. Eesti osalejatele on kaks kohta, vanusepiiriks 18+. Kohapealne koolitus, majutus ja toit on tasuta, alguses tuleb ise katta reisikulud ning nendest saab 70 % tagasi (hetkel soodsad piletid ca 350-400 €) ning reisikindlustus.
Kandideerimiseks lae alla taotlusvorm: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_Z8714EpcR0bWNqSjV1cEsybVk/edit?usp=sharing (file > download või ctrl + S) ja saada see aadressile: seiklejate.vennaskond@gmail.com. Veel üks vaba koht!
Summary: Human rights, being one of the major issues
in today’s world, are of great significance. And
the voluntary service activities play the biggest role in Human Rights
education. During last years a lot of short and long term voluntary projects
were addresses to Human Rights issues: non-violence, non-discrimination,
equality, access to education, access to environmental healthy life etc. The
voluntary activities take place almost everywhere in the world, but until now
there were no systematic approach to prepare young people who run this project.
This Training Course aims to put the necessary basics for improving quality and
educational part of voluntary projects.
Duration: 5 days (exc. traveling days) in the end of
March 2013
Methodology Scope: Lectures, Presentations, Workshops,
Counseling simulation, Diagnostic methods, Self-assessment, Supervisions.
There will be common lectures, presentations
and workshops for all participants; but they will work in small groups as well,
according to the specific characteristic of the target group they will counsel
Each group will develop a model for career support for a particular group of
young people with fewer opportunities.