19 juuni 2013

Kiire! Koolitus EVS mentoritele Itaalias 23.-27. juuni

Viimasel hetkel on vabanenud koht koolitusele Itaalias, mille teemaks on mentorlus ja Euroopa vabatahtlik teenistus. Ootatud osalema on inimesed, kellel soov mentorina töötada ja huvi Euroopa vabatahtliku teenistuse vastu (näiteks soov ise minna EVS vabatahtlikuks ja hiljem kaasa lüüa ka mentorina). Koolitus toimub 23.-28. juuni Torri linnas, millele lähim lennujaam on Nice (2 tundi rongiga), Genoa (3 tundi rongiga) ja Milaano (5 tundi rongiga). Koolitus on tasuta (majutus, toit, koolitus), ise tuleb katta lennukipiletid, millest saab 70 % tagasi. Huvi korral võta ühendust: seiklejate.vennaskond@gmail.com. Osalemusvõimalus läheb kiiremale reageerijale.  

- to deepen knowledge about and reflect upon the concept of mentoring
- to connect personal experience of being a volunteer/a mentee with the concept of mentoring, and transform this experience into practical ideas
- to overview the tasks of an EVS mentor and learn practical ideas, tools and methods to be able to carry out these tasks efficiently
- to experiment with tools and methods which can be used by mentors
- to deeply understand and explore the EVS framework, seeing the restrictions and possibilities inherent in the structure (EVS as a process: before-during-after, separating the role of the mentor and that of other parties involved in an EVS project, priorities of the programme, inclusion issues, recognising key competences, Youthpass, etc.)
- to share experience, fears and doubts, just as well as good practices of mentoring; to word feelings and motivation
- to empower ‘beginner’ mentors to feel safe and competent, identifying the competences needed for a mentor, encouraging self-evaluation and the revision of strengths and weaknesses and offering resources to support further professional development
- to connect participants, creating a supporting “network of mentors” of them, which can be used also after the course