1-8. august toimub Inglismaal partnerlusseminar "Rural and Women Entrepreneurship" mille eesmärgiks on toetada kogemuste jagamist ettevõtluse toetamiseks maapiirkondades ja eelkõige naiste seas. Projektiga soovitakse luua uusi partnerlusi ja algatada uusi ettevõtmisi maapiirkondades. Kandideerima on oodatud noortejuhid ja noorsootöötajad vanuses 18+. Eesti osalejatele on 3 kohta. Valituks osutumisel on kohapeal tasuta majutus, toit ja seminar, kuid Inglismaa korraldajad (mitte Eesti pool) on seadnud osalustasu 50 € (NB! Vähenes 30 € peale), sest seal on väga kallis korraldada seminari. Teatud juhtudel on võimalik, et see tasu ka väheneb. Alguses tuleb samuti osalejatel osta lennukipiletid, millest korraldajad tagastavad 70 % kuludokumentide alusel. Kõige lihtsam on kohale saada lennates Riiast, kust on otselennud East Midlands lennujaama (ca 200 € edasi-tagasi). Umbes sama või veidi kallim hind tuleb ka kui lennata Londonisse ja sealt bussiga. Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see aadressile: seiklejate.vennaskond@gmail.com. Kandideerimine kestab kuni kohad on täidetud. Osalejad leitud!
Veel infot:
Veel infot:
PBA “Rural and Women Entrepreneurship” aims to empower rural and women
entrepreneurship by offering a space for skills development in the domain,
share of good experiences and set up pilot projects and partnerships among
different organizations coming from rural area. Participants will get familiar
with European rural reality and will explore the similarities and differences
of participating countryside and deprived areas. They will share the social
problems of their community, and will find out how other countries are dealing
with them in particular using the concept of social entrepreneurship.
project is coming together to mobilize the potential productivity of rural
people, especially of women, who can contribute to economic growth and
globalization. Women's role, productivity and equality will be explored in the
context of entrepreneurship and employment.
PBA will inform participants about the possibilities offered by Youth in Action
programme and other European institutions supporting youth initiatives,
involvement and development of rural youngsters.
project will run between 1-8 August 2013
in Loughborough, UK as a result of co-operation among 10 organizations
from Programme Countries (the UK, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Romania,
Estonia, Norway, Hungary and Poland).
About half of the planet’s population are
poor, living on less than two dollars a day, and 75 per cent of the world’s
poor live in rural areas. Because of not enough opportunities provided to
sustain their lives, a large number of rural people are migrating to
overcrowded cities with a better economic situation. The migration aspect is
giving birth to many social problems such as unbalanced families, social orphan
children and desperate youth. Women and
girls in the aforementioned situation are placed in the group of risk and because
of their vulnerability the women trafficking and exploitation is a well-known
term. Especially in rural areas women assume multi-faceted roles in society, as
breadwinner of a family, unpaid family workers, service providers in the
communities and mother/care-taker of the family. Be it in rural or urban areas,
be it in micro or medium and large enterprises, women must be an integral part
of development, not only as beneficiaries, but also as decision–makers and
agents of change. Rural development and gender equality are key elements of
strategies to reduce poverty and create income and employment opportunities.
PBA has the following objectives:
Share rural reality of the participating countries alongside the share of good
experience in terms of women's involvement in economic growth.
Develop human capacities that will encourage and support entrepreneurship
initiatives of rural people and women
Promote and develop the understanding of gender equality in the employment and
market sector
Introduce Youth in Action programme and Promote rural youth co-operation
Develop pilot projects aiming to solve rural social needs through youth
projects and entrepreneurial initiatives.
seminar will be held in Loughborough in July 2013 and will involve 30
participants from 10 European countries.