Drammen, Norra |
2-11. september toimub Norras koolitus "I Can Multiply!" mille teemaks on see, kuidas paremini edastada noorteinfot nii, et see jõuaks kõigi huvilisteni ning info ise oleks atraktiivne. Kandideerima on oodatud noortega töötavad inimesed, noortejuhid ja aktiivsed noored (18 +). Koolitus toimub Drammenis, Norras ning toob kokku 28 osalejat. Eesti osalejatele on 4 kohta. Kohapealsed kulud (majutus, toit, koolitus) on kaetud programmi Euroopa Noored poolt 100 %, ise tuleb osalejatel tasuda lennukipiletid, mille eest saab pärast 70 % tagasi. Hetke piletihinnad Oslosse jäävad lausa alla 50 € (see hind võib muidugi muutuda), kuid üldiselt on sõidukulud väga väikesed. Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see aadressile: seiklejate.vennaskond@gmail.com 29.07.2013ks (kaasa arvatud). Osalejad leitud.
Rohkem infot:
Training course “I can multiply“ is aimed for youth workers directly working with young people from different target groups or responsible for sharing and providing information about different opportunities to young people. Training course will take place in Drammen, Norway and involve 28 participants from 8 countries across Europe (Norway, Estonia, UK, France, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Italy and Turkey). The date of project will be between 26th August and 4th September 2013. Intermezzo Ungdom will be host and applicant organization. Training will be lead by intercultural team of trainers from Estonia and UK with the support of Norwegian support team.
Training course helps to develop skills which are essential for this kind of activity: working with different target groups, understanding the concept of intercultural learning, developing personal learning process in the context of non-formal learning. Training tackles topics like what are the opportunities of YiA programme and developing participants’ knowledge of certain sub-programmes; additionally Youthpass as a important tool in valuing non-formal learning process is examined and and practicezised. We work on how to analyze the needs of different target groups, how to motivate them and provide them information in attractive and useful way. The training course involves local specialists, multipliers and members of local youth organizations who have the chance to share experiences with participants and make new contacts.