20 august 2013

Koolitus Gruusias soolisest võrdõiguslikkusest

22.-29. september toimub koolitus Kobuletis, Gruusias, mille teemaks on sooline võrdõiguslikkus. Koolitusel saavad noortejuhid täiendada oma teadmisi sellest, kuidas seista vastu soolisele diskrimineerimisele ja vägivallale. Kandideerima on oodatud noortejuhid, noorsootöötajad ja projektijuhid (18+), kellel on motivatsiooni antud teemaga tegeleda ka oma töös noortega. Eesti osalejatele on kolm kohta. Valituks osutumise korral katab programm Euroopa Noored 100 % kohapealsetest kuludest (majutus, toit, koolitus) ning 70 % reisikuludest (alguses tuleb osalejal pilet ise osta, korraldajad maksavad kuludokumentide alusel 70 % tagasi, hetkel on piletid Gruusiasse alates 300 €, seega omakulu on 90 €). Koolitusel osalustasu ei ole! Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see  seiklejate.vennakond@gmail.com.  Kandideerimine kestab kohtade täitumiseni! (03.09 seisuga vabad kohad). 

Loe veel:

We are organizing this project to help active young people (youth leaders) to become more gender-aware and sensitive to be able to detect situations and contexts where there are gender discrimination and violence and to take action to promote gender equality both locally, nationally as well as in international contexts. 
Contents of this non-formal training:
·         Developing awareness and understanding about various concepts related to gender issues, especially gender-based discrimination and violence
·         Discovering realities when it comes to gender inequalities in different countries
·         Discussing the “power” of youth work to promote gender equality at various contexts
·         Sharing and creation of tools to fight against gender-based discrimination and violence
·         Empowering participants to become active promoters of gender equality (“gender equality creators”)
·         Partnership building and common project ideas

The training will last for 7 days (excluding travel), include 30 participants that are motivated to explore gender equality issues from altogether 10 organizations in Programme countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Italy and Malta) and Eastern Europe and Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova).