23. november - 1. detsember toimub Lätis, Daugavpils's koolitus, mille läbivateks teemadeks on noorte tööpuudus, multikultuursus ja Euroopa teadlikkus. Eesti osalejatele on 2 kohta (vanus 18-30). Eelkõige oleks oodatud osalema tiimid, kus osalevab üks aktiivne noor ja üks noortejuht. Osalemine koolitusel on tasuta (majutus, toit, koolitus), ise tuleb maksta vaid 30 % reisikuludest Lätti. Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see seiklejate.vennaskond@gmail.com. Edasi-tagasi piletid on ca 30 €, seega omakulu on alla 10 €!
Osalejad leitud!
Osalejad leitud!
Main project themes are:
youth unemployment, multicultural
environment and European awareness.
Project activities are
planned 9 days (23.11.2013. - 01.12.2013.) training for 20 youth, youth
leaders, trainers, workers, project-leaders, project-supervisors and advisers
in the youth field from Latvia, Estonia,
Lithuania, Poland, Italy, Romania, Croatia, Turkey, Malta and Germany.
As the working methods
will be used workshops, trainings,
excursion team activities, ice-breaking activities, discussions, work in
pairs, interviews of project participant. During the project activities the
youth will have an opportunity to get to know a European countries culture,
youth unemployment in the European Union. During the project, young people will
develop project ideas to fight with youth unemployment in their countries.
Realizing the planned activities in the project, there was promoted the
development of the international dialog, the improvement of the youth
communication and social skills, the broadening of the outlook, awareness of
the belonging to the European youth community.