Seiklejate Vennaskond on noorteorganisatsioon, mis loodi mitteformaalsel kujul juba aastal 2003, praeguseks on tegu MTÜ-ga. Aastatel 2004-2015 oleme korraldanud üheksa noortevahetust ja kaheksa koolitust Eestis ja viinud läbi mitmeid kohalikke üritusi. Oleme üks Eesti suurimaid saatvaid organisatsioone, saates aastas sadu noori ja noortega töötavaid inimesi noortevahetustesse ja koolitustele. Samuti oleme saatev organisatsioon EVS vabatahtlikele, meil on projekte nii Euroopas, Aasias kui Aafrikas.

13 oktoober 2013

Koolitus Rumeenias konfliktide lahendamisest

1-9. november toimub Rumeenias Baile Herculanas koolitus, mille teemaks on konfliktide lahendamine. koolitusel õpitakse lahendama erinevaid konflikte ning leidma kompromisse, ning kasutatakse selleks mitmeid huvitavaid meetodeid nagu näiteks LARP (live action role play). Osalemine koolitusel on tasuta (programm Euroopa Noored katab majutuse, toitlustuse ja koolitusega seotud kulud), ise tuleb osalejatel katta reisikulud, millest 70 % saab tagasi, seega omakulu on ainult 30 % reisikuludest (hetkel on piletid Bukaresti ca 300 €,  omakulu 81 €). Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see aadressile Hetke seisuga (22.10) on kohad vabad!


The project You(th) are the conflict manager! join together 22 youth from 10 countries Romania, Czech 
Republic, Italy, Poland, Hungary,Turkey, Netherlands, Estonia, Germany, United Kingdom. They will 
work together using nonformal learning methods, in general role play and LARP, to understand more about 
the modality to resolve a conflict. 
The project combines two main themes: the presentation of LARP (live acting role play) and presentation 
of the conflict management. The main aim of the project is to use non-formal methods to solve or to help 
resolving the conflitcs using role play metodology. The youth will be put in the situation when they can act 
a role and can express their fears, or can understand by being in the role of an abused and abuser. 

The OBJECTIVES of the training course are: 
- to earn more knowleadge about the conflict management; 
- to promote and experiment a new working method of non formal education, LARP (live acting role play) 
and role play; 
- to work and learn in an intercultural enviroment; 
- to use LARP method in the work with youngsters; 
- to ”fight” and to be ”beat” to understand more about peace and more about who to create it. 
The training course will be based on non-formal education. It will be participants-centred. Facilitators and 
trainers will prepare creative and active methods to explore the topic of the training. 
Some elements of the programme: 
- Theoretical inputs and clarification of the concepts of conflict management, non-formal education 
methods, live active role play method, YiA programme and Erasmus + programme; 
- Sharing non-formal methods (LARP, World Café, Open Space) 
- Work in teams and small groups 
- Intercultural learning session