16.-25. märts toimub Armeenias, Aghveran'is koolitus, mille teemaks on motivatsioon. Kandideerima on oodatud aktiivsed noored, noortejuhid ja noortega töötavad inimesed (18+). Eesti osalejatele on 2 kohta. Koolituse, majutuse ja toidukulud on kaetud 100 % programmi Euroopa Noored poolt, ise tuleb osalejatel katta lennukipiletid, millest saab 70 % tagasi. Soodsaim variant lennata on Tbilisisse, sealt edasi Armeeniasse saab maršutkaga (lennukipiletid Gruusiasse on ca 300 €, seega omakulu 81 €). Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 08.01.2014ks (kaasa arvatud) aadressile seiklejate.vennaskond@gmail.com. Armeeniasse minekuks peab olemas olema pass, id-kaardiga riiki ei pääse.
Koolituse kava: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-EOXXBdWHNtd2lqdEg5OVB6ekF1bmlnSVl1YWV3cHRrbFBN/edit?usp=sharing
Veel infot:
The Training which will be held on March 16-25th, 2014 will be on the topic of MOTIVATION. According to the experience that NPT gained through its numerous national and international trainings as well as research projects, young people in the wide range of cases do not lack talent, skills, abilities to bring change in their own realities and in the social environment of their communities, but they simply do not have or are lacking appropriate motivation. Motivation is not something that is given to one in a certain portion (relatively big or small), this is a feature of our deep inner self, which is connected with a lot of other aspects, such as awareness, creativity, compassion etc. As well this is a feature of us with which we can certainly work, and a set of psychological disciplines, spiritual traditions and training schools are suggesting numerous tools on how to approach this issue. This training course is dedicated to the development of the skills of youth workers and youth leaders from EECA and Program countries to support young people in their quest for MOTIVATION…