27 november 2013

Moldovasse keskkonda ja fotograafiat avastama!

2.-10. märts toimub Vadul la Voda's, Moldovas noortevahetus, mille teemaks on keskkond ja taaskasutus, õpitakse kasutama vanus asju, et teha neist uusi ning samuti kajastama keskkonnatemaatikat läbi fotograafia. Kandideerima on oodatud noored vanuses 18-26 (+ grupijuht vanusepiiranguta). Eesti osalejatele on kuus kohta. Kohal on noored Armeeniast, Aserbaidžaanist, Moldovast, Eestist, Bulgaariast, Horvaatiast, Gruusiast, Rumeeniast ja Türgist. Osalemine noortevahetusel on tasuta (tasuta tegevused, majutus, söök), ise tuleb alguses katta sõidukulud, millest 70 % saab tagasi (hetkel on soodsaim minna Helsingist, kust edasi-tagasi piletid maksavad ca 210 €, seega on lennupiletite omakulu ca 63 €). Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 1. detsembriks (kaasa arvatud) aadressile seiklejate.vennaskond@gmail.com.

Loe veel:

The main topic for the Youth Exchange will be to get to know more about different ecological issues and problems as recycling, re-use of products, materials and tools, possible alternative sources of energy and other global environmental challenges. Within these eight days participants will use non-formal meaning methods, improve their creative skills and together will create new art objects using recycling. Participants will have a chance to learn about photography, which is an essential tool to show difference in our world and make it stay, make moment to freeze, it is a tool for telling a story. Participants will have a chance by using photography as a tool to create a story about protecting planet Earth. At the end of the project participants will have a chance to connect ecology, environmental issues, creativity, arts and photography. Project will also promote youth participation and active citizenship as essential topic. Project will include young people with fewer opportunities especially social, economical and geographical obstacles and cultures difficulties. Participants will work in intercultural environment; will learn about different cultures and traditions. Youth Exchange will be hosted in Vadul la Voda town near Chisinau in Moldova from 02nd to 10th March 2014 involving participants from 9 countries.