04 detsember 2013

Noortevahetus Gruusias spordist (aprill 2014)

01.- 09. aprill toimub Kobuletis, Gruusias noortevahetus, mille teemaks on sport ja kaasamine läbi spordi. Kandideerima on oodatud noored vanuses 18-27 (+ grupijuht vanusepiiranguta). Eesti osalejatele on viis kohta. Kohal on noored Armeeniast, Aserbaidžaanist, Horvaatiast, Leedust, Romeeniast, Ukrainast, Moldovast, Eestist, Bulgaariast ja Gruusiast. Osalemine noortevahetusel on tasuta (tasuta tegevused, majutus, söök), ise tuleb alguses katta sõidukulud, millest 70 % saab tagasi (edasi-tagasi piletid algusega Tallinnast Tbilisisse maksavad hetkel ca 300 €, seega on lennupiletite omakulu ca 81 €). Kandideerimiseks täida ära ANKEET 12. detsembriks (kaasa arvatud), küsimused postita siia kommentaaridena (äkki on teistel samad küsimused). Gruusiasse reisimiseks on vajalik pass. 

Veel infot:

This youth exchange has in its core the promotion of the value of sport as a tool for social inclusion and active participation, as we believe that a significant segment of the cultural traditions of each national heritage is related to games.
During the implementation of this YE we will focus on the important values that traditional sports and games offer, through education, culture, communicative and health promoting role towards the overall development of the individual and one's community we will also tackle the topic of equality. Taking into account Sports are expressions of the native culture and life systems contributing to the identity of human beings.
Via Energizers, ice breaking, team building, YiA presentation, countries nights, we will create IC spirit and pleasant learning experience for participants; reflect on different cultural expressions, and create a bridge between cultures for a better mutual comprehension. They are also an efficient means to convey values of solidarity, diversity, inclusiveness and cultural awareness.