14 veebruar 2014

Noortevahetus Rumeenias 20-29. märts

20-29. märts toimub Poiana Negris, Rumeenias noortevahetus, mille teemaks on maapiirkondade väärtustamine ja kultuuride vaheline dialoog, ning neid teemasid uuritakse läbi fotograafia ja videode tegemise. Eesti osalejatele on 7 kohta - osalema on oodatud noored vanuses 18-25 (6 kohta) ja grupijuht vanusepiiranguta. Osalemiseks pole varasemat kogemust vaja. Peale Eesti on kohal veel osalejad Itaaliast, Hispaaniast, Horvaatiast, Poolast ja Rumeeniast. Projektis osalemine on tasuta (tasuta majutus, toit, tegevused), ise tuleb alguses osta lennukipiletid, mille eest 70 % saab tagasi (piletid maksavad ca 300 €, seega omakulu on 90 €). Kandideerimiseks täida ära ANKEET 17.02.2014ks (kaasa arvatud). 

Kokkuvõte inglise keeles:
This multilateral 1.1 youth exchange called „Village in a Puzzle” will be organized in a beautiful and quite isolated rural area from the North of Romania, away from big cities and closer to old traditions and legends. During 10 days, 44 young people from 6 different programme countries, with an interest in the main topic of the exchange, the rural space seen through the eyes of young people in today’s society, will exchange opinions, interact, share and gain more knowledge.

They will discover traditions and values from the Romanian rural society, while at the same time comparing what they learn with their experiences back home. Also, they will be looking at the differences between rural and urban areas, discussing disadvantages of life “in the country-side”.

Its main objectives are:

- Stimulating young people to understand better the issues of the poverty matter that is affecting the rural space and how are European Union member countries dealing with this problem, through the use of European Citizenship as key-concept.

- Facilitating intercultural dialogue between 44 European youngsters from 6 different countries, using non-formal methods of education, with a special focus on national rural traditions and customs.

- Organizing a public presentation of relevant photos taken by the young participants during the exchange, photos that will reflect the rural life in Romania as seen through the eyes of a foreigner. Each participant in this way will be able to present its own vision based on personal past experiences.

- Organizing a public presentation of amateur videos made by the young participants that will reflect the rural life in Romania, again seen through the eyes of a foreigner. Compared to the photo presentation, videos can generate a much higher impact and can recreate and transmit better the feelings which the author had;

- Multiplication of the presentations mentioned above into the local communities of the partners involved, in order to share realities and exchange experiences.

“Village in a Puzzle” takes place between 20 and 29 March 2014 and gathers a total of 44 participants from Italy, Spain, Estonia, Croatia, Poland and Romania. As previously stated, activities will be highly interactive, based on non-formal education methods, and consist of team-building games, outdoor discovery games, photo and video workshops, artistic presentations, brainstorming, sessions for debates, cultural nights, etc.