15.-22. mai toimub Bitolas, Makedoonias koolitus, mille eesmärgiks on arendada osalejate liidrioskusi, et nad saaksid edukalt juhtida vabatahtlikke ja olla edukad rahuloomisega seotud tegevustes. Osalema on oodatud aktiivsed noored, noortejuhid ja noorsootöötajad (18+). Eesti osalejatele on 3 kohta. Kohal on lisaks Eestile veel osalejad Makedooniast, Ungarist, Türgist, Tšehhist, Serbiast, Rumeeniast, Albaaniast, Montenegrost ja Ukrainast. Osalemine koolitusel on tasuta (majutus, söök, tegevused), ise tuleb alguses osta piletid, millest 70 % saab tagasi. Hetkel on soodsaimad piletid Riiast ca 350 €, seega omakulu on umbes 105 € (antud lend on läbi Istanbuli, seega on vajalik reisimiseks pass). Kandideerimiseks täida ära ANKEET 07.04.2014ks (kaasa arvatud).
Veel projektist:
The aim of the training course is to stimulate active citizenship through raising young’s people competencies needed for successful leadership of volunteering activities/ initiatives/ projects focused on peace building. Training will contribute on creating of young peace builders that will take leadership in peace building processes on local, national and international level. It will empower young people to be actively involved in communities’ development and to become promoters of peace building in their local as well as in European society. The training will provide practical work, interactive learning based on the participants' needs. Trainers and participants will share innovative approaches, methodologies and tools, and plan new initiatives.
• To deliver common understanding about peace building in intercultural setting of youngsters with diverse backgrounds and to promote activism for resolving conflicts on national and international level.
• To provide participants with competencies and practical knowledge on leading volunteering initiatives for peace building.
• To share good practices on international level about peace, non-violence and tolerance among youth.
• To empower participants to multiply the effects of this training course in their organizations and to increase the other young people’s capacities to deal with, manage, and prevent conflicts in youth volunteering activities/initiatives/projects.
The training will gather participants from youth organizations from Europe that work in field of active citizenship, peace building and conflict resolution on local, national and/or European and international level.