12 jaanuar 2015

Koolitus Saksamaal "'Clothes make the man?"

27. märts - 5. aprill toimub Potsdamis, Saksamaal koolitus, mille teemaks on stereotüüpide ja eelarvamuste uurimine läbi teatrimeetodite - üheskoos õpitakse ka tegema kostüüme (loe projektist lähemalt altpoolt). Eesti osalejatele on koolitusel üks koht (18+). Kokku on koolitusel esindatud üle 20 erineva riigi. Koolitusel osalemine on tasuta (majutus, toit, tegevused), samuti kaetakse reisikulud 275 € ulatuses (100 %). 
Osalejatelt ootame Seiklejate Vennaskonna esindamist, võimalusel partnerluste sõlmimist meie nimel ning valmisolekut teemaga tegeleda ka tagasi tulles (nt järeltegevused). Enne kandideerimist tuleks veenduda, et antud kuupäevadel on tõesti võimalik osaleda (kuupäevad on fikseeritud). 

Kandideerimiseks täida ära ANKEET 20.01ks (kaasa arvatud).
Tutvu Projektidesse mineja ABC  -ga SIIN.

Veel projektist:
Clothes play a very important role in nowadays society. Most of us know that appearance matters in first impressions, but clothing can also tap into stark stereotypes of physical appearance. Children start to categorize each other already in early days according to different social or ethnical groups based on the way they dress. Clothing affects even basic visual processing systematically skewing the way people see their social world. This leads to the creation of boundaries between communities or even leads to acts of discrimination.
The team of Mostar Friedensprojekt and the participants of our recent training courses are convinced that theater methods are among the best means of youth work to counter discrimination. By spreading the knowledge of theater techniques in anti-discriminational work we want to encourage youth workers to exploit the power of theatre. This time we want to share the experience of creating theatre costumes and make-up. By doing so, participants will learn how „labeling“ caused by stereotypes of physical appearance can be reversed on stage.
During the training course, we will not only introduce our participants to the theoretical basics of theater costume design. We will also visit inspirational places in Berlin: alternative theatre stages, meet with professional costume designers, make-up artists and visit their ateliers. The base for our work will be the costumes and stage sets of the legendary American experimental theater stage director Robert Wilson. This will give us inspiration for our own creations, which we will actually create during the course of our training.