27. juuni - 2 juuli toimub Fornos Del Algodr
es-is, Portugalis partnerlusseminar, mille teemaks on haridus läbi spordi. Kandideerima on oodatud teemast huvitatud noortega töötavad inimesed (18+). Eesti osalejatele on 3 kohta. Osalemine projektis on tasuta (majutus, toit, tegevused), samuti kaetakse reisikulud 530 € ulatuses.
Kandideerimiseks täida ära ANKEET 8. juuniks 2015 (kaasa arvatud). Hilinenud ankeedid arvesse ei lähe!
Enne kandideerimist veendu, et saad antud kuupäevadel osaleda ja ole valmis oma osalust kinnitama paari päeva jooksul (juhul kui osutud valituks). Samuti tuleks arvestada, et antud korraldajad on väga aeglased kirjadele vastajad ning info liigub väga aeglaselt. Ilmselt peegeldub see ka projekti tegevustes.
Tutvu projektidesse mineja ABC -ga SIIN. Küsimused postita kommentaaridesse või facebooki.
NB! Projektis saad osaleda siis kui sa elad antud hetkel Eestis ja reisid projekti Eestist.
Projekti kokkuvõte:
“The Associação de Promoção Social, Cultural e Desportiva de Fornos de Algodres (Guarda, Portugal) decided to promote this project because, within their social responses, particularly at the level of childhood, youth and professional guidance, detects frequent school dropout events that concern the Association responsibles.
The planned activity is a contact-making seminar for youth workers who contact with young people at risk of leaving school and see a possible way in sport. The purpose of the seminar is to share experiences and concerns, to deepen knowledge and skills of participants and to build partnerships in this area of work. Held in Fornos de Algodres over 6 days. is scheduled for 9-14 March 2015. We anticipate the participation of 24 members from eight program countries.
We will use active and non-formal methodologies, including field visits and dialogue with different stakeholders, reflection and debate, group dynamics, favoring the intervention of all the participants in the decisions taken throughout the activities.
As a result, we hope to offer the participants the opportunity to build working tools and cooperation, deepen awareness of the importance and feasibility of working together at European level, thus giving rise to the definition of joint projects in the field of education through sport.
Through the dissemination of the work undertaken and the results achieved, it is intended to disseminate examples of good practice to other stakeholders, that may yield opportunities to develop new projects and partnerships.”
Furthermore, we will discuss amongst us the division of tasks for this project and we’ll send you an infopack of this project (containing information about accommodation, meals, internet, daily programme, useful contacts and tips, objectives, rules, venue, transportation, etc.).