28 märts 2018

Euroopa vabatahtlik teenistus Hispaanias algusega september 2018

Otsime EVS vabatahtlikku Puertollano-sse, HispaaniasseTeenistuse algab september 2018 ja kestab kuni juuni 2019. Projektis töötatakse koolis, tehes tegevusi lastele ja noortele. Kandideerima on oodatud 18-30 aastased noored. Vabatahtlikule on tasuta majutus, söök, tegevused ja kindlustus. Lisaks taskuraha (5€/päevas)  ning kaetakse ka sõidukulud kuni 530 € ulatuses. 

Vaata projekti infot allpool.  

Kandideerimise tähtaeg on 1. aprill 2018. Kandideerimiseks saada oma inglise keelne CV ja motivatsioonikiri paralleelselt (sama e-mailiga) aadressidele

Motivatsioonikiri peab olema personaalne antud projekti jaoks ning kasuks tuleb soov/valmidus õppida ka hispaania keelt. 

Projekti osas teeb valiku vastuvõttev (Hispaania) organisatsioon, nemad teavitavad ka neid, kes saavad edasi Skype vooru. Kui te mingit vastust ei saa, on mõttekas otse neile kirjutada. Meiega sõlmitakse partnerlus siis kui vabatahtlik on valitud ja ära kinnitatud :)

Saatvaks organisatsiooniks märgi Seiklejate Vennaskond. Meie HEI-REF (akrediteeringu number) on: 

Kui on vaja siis muid vajalikke andmeid leiab SIIT

Tutvu kindlasti ka EVS lisainfoga Seiklejate Vennaskonna lehel SIIN ja Noorteagentuuri lehel SIIN.

Projektis osalemiseks pead elama teenistuse alguses Eestis. Samuti ei tohi sa olla varem teinud ei lühiajalist ega pikaajalist EVSi (seda saab teha ainult kord elus).

Kõik küsimused postita kommentaaridesse, küsi julgelt! :)

Projekti lisainfo:
We are a big school (1200 students from 3 to 18 years old) located in the city of Puertollano, Spain
Puertollano is next to Madrid and also very close to the south region (Andalucia). 

We  are looking for two volunteers to work with us under the SVE project.
Dates: from september 2018 to  june 2019. 
Accomodation, travel, food...etc  will be provided. 
Speaking Engish is necessary. 
The volunteers will have the time to learn Spanish and really enjoy our culture.
If you have someone interest in your institution we will be really happy to receive his/her CV. For further details about our project do not hesitate to contact me. 

Please, find here some more information about the role of the volunteers in our institution:

The role of volunteers in the project is the people who will be performing support always together with those responsible for the activities of each of the groups of children and young people. Thus, European volunteers will speak, share and motivate children and young people in terms of the awareness of belonging to Europe, as well as the Customs and culture of the country of origin of the volunteers and others European countries. Their will develop tasks in direct contact with young people and always with the support of the person in charge of the different groups in the school "San Juan Bosco". All this will be in English since it is the only language in common between children, young people and volunteers.

All this work will be carried out by the staff of the groups and supported by the European volunteers who in any case will replace any workstation. Topics discussed will be scheduled by the own volunteers both responsible for the activity. The creative contribution of the volunteer (ideas, innovations, games) will be valued very positively. Participation in them is also an opportunity for the learning and personal development. This activity will be made with children from aged 3 to 18 year-old.

Also volunteers will collaborate with youth CACE & CABRIA activity aimed at children and young people with fewer opportunities to be migrants, because they have no economic resources, by difficulties with language,...

The tasks of the volunteers will develop are: motivation, information and awareness-raising of belonged to Europe. Presentation and information as to the customs of their country: cookery, songs, festivals, traditions, economy,... Collaboration transmitting their personal experiences... Organization and revitalization of the different leisure and recreational activities at school: environment, health, children, sports, youth...).