16 september 2013

Noortevahetus eri riikide toidukultuuridest Türgis

12 - 20. oktoober toimub Manisas, Türgis noortevahetus, mille teemaks on eri riikide toidukultuur ja traditsiooniline köök. Kohal on noored eri Euroopa riikidest. Projektis saavad osaleda 18-25 aastased noored, kellele projekti teema huvi pakub (+ grupijuht vanusepiiranguta). Projektis puudub osalustasu (tasuta majutus, söök, tegevused), ise tuleb alguses tasuda piletid, millest hiljem 70 % tagasi saab. Hetke seisuga on piletid Tallinnast ca 300 €, mis teeb omakuluks umbes 90 €. Türki reisimiseks peab olemas olema pass, id-kaardist ei piisa. Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 19.09ks aadressile seiklejate.vennaskond@gmail.com

Projektist lähemalt:

According to belief, after Noah first landed to earth the first dish he prepared to eat is called Noah’s Pudding which consists of water and some other indigrents such as bean, rice, sugar, nut, walnut, pomegranate, sesame, wheat, chickpea, haricot bean, pinon and cinnamon. With the inspiration we got from the legends and tales from the beliefs like Islam, Catholicism and Orthodox belief, we plan to gather 40 young people from different countries of Europe whose ages are between 18-25 at 12th-20th October 2013, in Akhisar-Manisa. The young friends will bring their indigrents and with the putting those indrigents to the cauldron the Noahs Pudding will be ready to be served by those young friends to the public people of Akhisar. The host group consists of the young people who are interested in different cuisines of the world and who has the ability of cooking. They will be pioneer about cooking and serving Noah’s Pudding in that time. Also they will teach how to cook Noah’s Pudding to the young friends who will come from those European countries. That Noah’s Pudding Day will represent the meaning of creating something together with the gathering the different indigrents from all over Europe. We plan to give the message that we can move together to overcome the problems just as Noah did with the people you could stay in his Ark. Our project is written with the aim of to attract attention to the dialogs between religions and cultures, moving together and attract attention to the importance of sharing. Our main aim is to meet the public young people, who has no chance to go abroad, with the young people from Europe in this city, Akhisar, making them to create something together. To prepare discussion ambiance to solve the problems together. Also we plan to see interesting ideas with asking ''What would be look like the flag of Noah's Ark?'' and seeing the results, drawings of flag, and we plan to have and exibition with those drawings in the city hall, also we plan to have some cultural and historical trips to the important places around here. At the same time, for one week long, those young people will be together in the workshops and even though they speak different languages, they will produce not only the Noah’s Pudding but alse the scenarios that represent the ending of the tale called 'Noah's Ark'. At the end of the week they will produce the art feast which is an universal language with the theater plays they will put on the stage. Also with our project all public people will be heard about it with the help of press, newspapers and other medias, so, the young people and the public will be awared. Our another aim is to enlighten the public people with the discussions and the dialogs between religions and cultures, between the young friends from Europe. For the last, as a result, all photographes that will be taken in the Noah’s Pudding Day will be published as a photo book to show the importance of moving together and sharing, and those books will be sent to the other countries, cities and projects and doing that is important for the project's permanence and visibility.