23.-29. september toimub Konyas, Türgis noortevahetus mille teemaks on keskkonnakaitse, loodus ja fotograafia. Kandideerima on oodatud 18-25 aastased noored (+ grupijuht vanusepiiranguta). Eesti osalejatele on 6 kohta. Kohal on osalejad Eestist, Türgist, Horvaatiast, Leedust, Rumeeniast ja Itaaliast. Projektis osalemine on tasuta (tasuta majutus, toit ja tegevused), alguses tuleb ise osta lennukipiletid, millest hiljem 70 % saab tagasi. Hetke piletid on ca 300 € Riiast Istanbuli, seega omakulu (30 %) on ca 100 €. Kandideerimiseks kirjuta kohe seiklejate.vennaskond@gmail.com ja paneme sind kirja. Hetke seisuga (17.09 on kohti!).
Projektist lähemalt:
The Project aims to realize youngsters about damaging of lakes, nature and environments. We are going to go some lakes and different places which are under dangerous and which are under dangerous of drying . We aslo want to share our common fears about nature and what people can do save to nature with better way.
The project promotes the idea of photograph with different observations, perpectives and talents. During the project activities , the youngsters are either take photo of nature and lake or learn different cultures from Europe. Also, the youngster will be involved different meetings in Konya like Department of Social Cultures and Affairs of Konya Metropolitan Municipality , Regional Directorate of Environment and Urbanism , members of Konya Metropolitan Municipality Youth Assembly.