4.-11. veebruar toimub Flaxley's Inglismaal koolitus, mille teemaks on kultuuride vaheline õpe läbi muusika maagia. Kandideerima on oodatud aktiivsed noored, noortejuhid ja noortega töötavad inimesed (18+). Eesti osalejatele on 3 kohta. Koolituse, majutuse ja toidukulud on kaetud 100 % programmi Euroopa Noored poolt, ise tuleb osalejatel katta lennukipiletid, millest saab 70 % tagasi. Lennata võib näiteks Birminghami (edasi-tagasi piletid 230 €, seega omakulu 69 €) või Londoni (hetke piletid 130 €, seega omakulu 39 €). Londonisse lendamise puhul tuleb arvestada, et see asub ca poole kaugemal projekti toimumiskohast, seega on ka kohalikud bussipiletid kallimad. Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 14.01.2014ks (kaasa arvatud) aadressile seiklejate.vennaskond@gmail.com.
Veel infot projekti kohta:
This training course, designed by and for 30 youth leaders and youth workers from ten European youth organisations, focuses on the role music plays in intercultural dialogue. The course is an educational journey through music styles and methods of communication with young people coming from different ethnic, national and cutural backgrounds through music, aiming at equipping participants with competences in intercultural communication.
The programme of the course is based on non-formal exploratory methods including various modes of play and improvisation. We will be learning simple but profound pieces of World Music engaging participants through songs, rounds, rhythm-pieces and games. The programme will be jointly led by Adrian Locher, ASHA’s Artistic Director, actor, voice coach and director and Gregers Brinch, composer/singer/director and teacher.
The course will facilitate an unfolding of aspects of creativity that can strengthen participants’ intercultural skills such as working together in multicultural groups, creativity and entrepreneurship, practicing leadership and problem-solving.
The programme of the course is based on non-formal exploratory methods including various modes of play and improvisation. We will be learning simple but profound pieces of World Music engaging participants through songs, rounds, rhythm-pieces and games. The programme will be jointly led by Adrian Locher, ASHA’s Artistic Director, actor, voice coach and director and Gregers Brinch, composer/singer/director and teacher.
The course will facilitate an unfolding of aspects of creativity that can strengthen participants’ intercultural skills such as working together in multicultural groups, creativity and entrepreneurship, practicing leadership and problem-solving.