Seiklejate Vennaskond on noorteorganisatsioon, mis loodi mitteformaalsel kujul juba aastal 2003, praeguseks on tegu MTÜ-ga. Aastatel 2004-2015 oleme korraldanud üheksa noortevahetust ja kaheksa koolitust Eestis ja viinud läbi mitmeid kohalikke üritusi. Oleme üks Eesti suurimaid saatvaid organisatsioone, saates aastas sadu noori ja noortega töötavaid inimesi noortevahetustesse ja koolitustele. Samuti oleme saatev organisatsioon EVS vabatahtlikele, meil on projekte nii Euroopas, Aasias kui Aafrikas.

19 juuni 2012

Noortevahetus Sloveenias: E-Nature

31. august - 8. september toimub noortevahetus Sloveenias, mille teemaks on keskkond, loodus ning tervislike eluviiside toetamine. Kokku tulevad noored Eestist, Sloveeniast, Türgist, Bulgaariast ja Itaaliast. Projektis mitte ainult ei arutata loodusega seotud teemade üle, vaid elatakse looduses, mäe jalamil. Eestist on 5+1 osalejat, vanusepiirang on 15-26 a. Omakuluks on 30% reisikuludest + kulutus Eesti söögile/joogile kultuuriõhtu jaoks (ca. 10 €). Hetkel on piletid Sloveeniasse 240-350 eurot. Hetke seisuga vabu kohti ei ole. 

Loe lähemalt projektist:

The multilateral youth exchange “e-Nature II” is a project within the Youth in Action program which promotes healthy lifestyle and living in the nature. The ecology is the main theme of the project that will connect people interested in healthy lifestyle and preserving the nature. The main purpose is to spread awareness about environmental concerns while personally making an impact. Considering the local and global aspects with the lecture given by the experts, participants will explore nature and connect their real life which goes hand in hand with man and nature-friendly and healthy lifestyle. For example many of the regular items people use every day can be improved to be reusable and reduce waste. For instance, participants will try to make homemade "eco sculptures" with collected materials from surrounding area. We are planning excursions around the mountains and forest to collect data about current environmental worries and to enjoy place with fresh mountain air. The nice summer weather will be used as an advantage and opportunity to bike short distances, rather than taking the car. Trips to the town and other surrounding places will be part of activities. We will include many experts in the project who will prepare workshops, lectures and tips to teach the next generation about sustainability and green living. By the end of the project and after, participants will present their awareness on most innovative way they can provide. Perhaps the best way to spread awareness is to take advantage of all the social networking sites which are so prevalent today. Through mediums as simple as a Facebook status, hundreds of people can take note of what others are doing and be inspired to participate as well in future projects.

Ootused Eesti osalejatele:
- valmidus saada kokku enne projekti algust teiste Eesti osalejatega, et valmistada ette Eesti poolne panus (ettekanne jms)
- aktiivselt osaleda kogu projekti vältel ning võtta huvi ka Seiklejate Vennaskonna tegevustest hiljem 
- viia ennast kurssi Seiklejate Vennaskonna tegevustega ning olla võimeline organisatsiooni esindama

Tähtis teada:
- projektis on palju liikumist ja aktiivset tegutsemist, selleks tuleks valmis olla :)

Eesti osalejad:


07 juuni 2012

Koolitus Gruusias

26. juuni - 4. juuli toimub koolitus Gruusias, Bakurianis. Koolitus toob kokku noortejuhid ja noorsootöötajad Eestist, Gruusiast, Suurbritanniast, Moldovast, Aserbaidžaanist, Ukrainast ja Tšehhi vabariigist.  Koolituse eesmärgiks on uurida noorte osalusega seotud teemasid ehk seda, kuidas tagada noorte parem kaasatus ja aktiivne osalus erinevate ettevõtmiste puhul. Loe lähemalt altpoolt. Osalemiseks tuleb kontakteeruda Kohapeal on toit, majutus ja koolitus tasuta, samuti hüvitatakse 70 % reisikuludest (hetkel on pileti hind ca 270-350 eurot). 

This seven-day training course, taking place in Bakuriani, Georgia, from 26 June until 4th July, 2012, will gather 32 youth NGOs workers, youth leaders, youth workers and active young people from 8 country: UK, Georgia, Poland, Moldova, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Estonia, Azerbaijan.
Youth participation and active involvement of young people in local and regional life are one of the key concerns in the European integration process.
"Discover the Power to Act - A Practical Guide for Youth Participation" originated from a need for young people to take a more active role in society. In the current period of austerity, job losses, high unemployment and increasing social issues across Europe, it is vital that young people are not lost in this time of uncertainty. Therefore this project aims to instill a sense of responsibility, belonging and direction for young people and to empower their engagement with democratic processes. This will be achieved through empowering active youth leaders, young people and youth workers by bringing these people together and offering a platform for debate, discussion and creativity. Empowering these people is the first step to tackling the core issues of this project of youth participation.

Project Objectives:

  To develop the participants understanding of the key principles of youth participation;
• To develop a common understanding of participation and explore instruments for its promotion among groups of young people who have fewer opportunities in civil society or youth activities at local and regional level;
• To develop an understanding of the relationship between concepts of citizenship, participation, human rights, democracy and civil society;
• To get familiar with various concepts and methodologies for developing youth initiatives;
• To improve participants’ skills in project-management (related to participation projects);
• To identify the added value of bilateral participation processes between public authorities and youth workers/youth organisations;
• To develop participants’ competence in using the revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life /publication of Council of Europe/
• To encourage exchange of good practices on building and management of youth participation projects;
• To develop new tools and ideas for following up and developing existing projects.

The following elements will be tackled by the training:
 - Concept of civil society and democracy;
 - Active participation and democratic education;
 - European Charter on Youth Participation on local and regional level;
 - Current needs and project development analysis;
 - Developing project ideas for youth initiatives.

The training course fits into the priorities and objectives of the Youth in Action Programme. The project will contribute to young people’s active citizenship and their European citizenship in particular and will promote European cooperation. Moreover, it will promote recognition of non-formal education. Bridging and linking youth participation with rural development will give additional and advanced tools in addressing challenges faced in each country/community and global challenges; will assist in raising awareness and mobilizing young people around those issues. It is directed to creating possibilities for enhancing the prospect for long-term collaboration.

Eesti osalejad: Henry, Elo, Elen, Heleri