Seiklejate Vennaskond on noorteorganisatsioon, mis loodi mitteformaalsel kujul juba aastal 2003, praeguseks on tegu MTÜ-ga. Aastatel 2004-2015 oleme korraldanud üheksa noortevahetust ja kaheksa koolitust Eestis ja viinud läbi mitmeid kohalikke üritusi. Oleme üks Eesti suurimaid saatvaid organisatsioone, saates aastas sadu noori ja noortega töötavaid inimesi noortevahetustesse ja koolitustele. Samuti oleme saatev organisatsioon EVS vabatahtlikele, meil on projekte nii Euroopas, Aasias kui Aafrikas.

27 november 2013

Moldovasse keskkonda ja fotograafiat avastama!

2.-10. märts toimub Vadul la Voda's, Moldovas noortevahetus, mille teemaks on keskkond ja taaskasutus, õpitakse kasutama vanus asju, et teha neist uusi ning samuti kajastama keskkonnatemaatikat läbi fotograafia. Kandideerima on oodatud noored vanuses 18-26 (+ grupijuht vanusepiiranguta). Eesti osalejatele on kuus kohta. Kohal on noored Armeeniast, Aserbaidžaanist, Moldovast, Eestist, Bulgaariast, Horvaatiast, Gruusiast, Rumeeniast ja Türgist. Osalemine noortevahetusel on tasuta (tasuta tegevused, majutus, söök), ise tuleb alguses katta sõidukulud, millest 70 % saab tagasi (hetkel on soodsaim minna Helsingist, kust edasi-tagasi piletid maksavad ca 210 €, seega on lennupiletite omakulu ca 63 €). Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 1. detsembriks (kaasa arvatud) aadressile

Loe veel:

The main topic for the Youth Exchange will be to get to know more about different ecological issues and problems as recycling, re-use of products, materials and tools, possible alternative sources of energy and other global environmental challenges. Within these eight days participants will use non-formal meaning methods, improve their creative skills and together will create new art objects using recycling. Participants will have a chance to learn about photography, which is an essential tool to show difference in our world and make it stay, make moment to freeze, it is a tool for telling a story. Participants will have a chance by using photography as a tool to create a story about protecting planet Earth. At the end of the project participants will have a chance to connect ecology, environmental issues, creativity, arts and photography. Project will also promote youth participation and active citizenship as essential topic. Project will include young people with fewer opportunities especially social, economical and geographical obstacles and cultures difficulties. Participants will work in intercultural environment; will learn about different cultures and traditions. Youth Exchange will be hosted in Vadul la Voda town near Chisinau in Moldova from 02nd to 10th March 2014 involving participants from 9 countries.

24 november 2013

Õppevisiit Moldovasse!

2.-10. märts toimub Chisinau's, Moldovas õpevisiit, mille käigus tutvutakse kohalike noortevaldkonna organisatsioonide tööga. Õppevisiidi eesmärgiks on luua ka uusi kontakte ja partnerlusi, et esitada uusi projekte Erasmus + raames. Kandideerima on oodatud noortejuhid ja noortega töötavad inimesed, kes on üle 18 aasta vanad (vanusepiiranguta). Eesti osalejatele on kaks kohta. Kohal on osalejad 16st eri riigist nii Euroopa Liidust kui Ida-Euroopast ja Kaukaasia piirkonnast. Osalemine õppevisiidil on tasuta (tasuta tegevused, majutus, söök), ise tuleb alguses katta sõidukulud, millest 70 % saab tagasi (hetkel on soodsaim minna Helsingist, kust edasi-tagasi piletid maksavad ca 210 €, seega on lennupiletite omakulu ca 63 €). Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see aadressile 

Osalejad leitud!

Veel infot:

Possibilities to meet with organisations around Moldova and other European countries are important part for developing cooperation, new volunteering projects and employability for young people. The Study visit will give possibility and platform to participants and young people with fewer opportunities, youth from rural areas and marginalised youth to develop new partnerships and youth projects to foster development, youth employability and active citizenship. The participants, youth workers and project coordinators of international exchange, will visit various Moldovan organisations, that are working with the YiA Programme or are interested to start to work with YiA, as well as explore and exchange best youth work practices and the most successful ideas practices. Special attention will be provided to organisations working with minorities, in rural areas and working with young people with fewer opportunities. The Study visit will include morning methods as workshops, thematic groups and discussions on social inclusion, volunteering, employability, and possibilities for cooperation between EEC and European Union and how to promote and foster mobility and active citizenship as a way to fight exclusion and unemployment.

Study visit will be hosted in Vadul la Voda town near Chisinau in Moldova from 02nd to 10th March 2014 involving participants from 16 countries. Study visit will also include visits to Chisinau, Cricova and other towns.

23 november 2013

Õpevisiit Makedooniasse - tutvu noorsootööga Balkanil!

Õpevisiidi käigus külastatakse ka Ohrid'i piirkonnas
 asuvaid organisatsioone
3.-11. veebruar toimub Stugas, Makedoonias õpevisiit, mille käigus tutvutakse kohalike organisatsioonide tööga ning seda eelkõige maapiirkondades ja väikelinnades. Õppevisiidi eesmärgiks on luua ka uusi kontakte ja partnerlusi, et esitada uusi projekte Erasmus + raames. Kandideerima on oodatud noortejuhid ja noortega töötavad inimesed, vanusepiiriks 18+. Eesti osalejatele on kaks kohta. Kohal on 40 osalejat 20st eri riigist nii Euroopa Liidust, Ida-Euroopast ja Kaukaasia piirkonnast kui Kagu-Euroopast. Osalemine õppevisiidil on tasuta (tasuta tegevused, majutus, söök), ise tuleb alguses katta sõidukulud, millest 70 % saab tagasi (hetkel on soodsaim minna Riiast/Helsingist, kust edasi-tagasi piletid maksavad ca 300 €, seega on lennupiletite omakulu ca 81 €). Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 1. detsembriks (kaasa arvatud) aadressile

Osalejad leitud!

Loe veel:

The Study visit is a follow up project that will provide a possibility for youngsters from different EU and SEE countries to come to Macedonia for eight days and explore the possibilities for cooperation with organizations around rural villages in Macedonia but also with organizations around Europe for new projects concerning volunteering and employability of young people with fewer opportunities , youth from rural areas and marginalized youth. The study-visit will provide a platform for starting new partnerships and developing new youth projects. The participants are coming from 20 countries. The participants, youth workers and coordinators of international exchange, will visit various Macedonian organizations, which are working with the Youth in Action Programme or are interested to start to work with Youth in Action, as well as explore and exchange best youth work practices and the most successful project ideas.  Special focus will be putt on organizations working in rural areas and working with young people with fewer opportunities. The participants will explore what projects and methods are implemented to promote integration and employability of youth and contribute to the work of local organizations trough sharing knowledge and experience from their countries. The working program of study visit includes workshops, thematic working groups and discussions on employability, and possibilities for cooperation between South Eastern Europe, Easter Europe and Caucasus and European Union. The projects will focus on creation of new partnerships and projects that are dealing with work with young people with fewer opportunities, marginalized youth, youth from rural municipalities; in the area of promoting mobility as a way to fight exclusion and unemployment.
The study visit will be held from 03 – 11.02 2014, starting from Struga and visits to Mavrovo, Vevchani and Skopje region; and will have 20 countries participating from EU, SEE and EEC with 40 participants.

22 november 2013

Noortevahetus Saksamaal otsib osalejaid!

13.-22. detsember toimub Potsdamis, Saksamaal noortevahetus, mille teemaks on mitte diskrimineerimine ja rassismi vastane võitlus. Kandideerima on oodatud 16-25 aastased noored (+ grupijuht vanusepiiranguta). Eesti osalejatele on 6 kohta. Projektis osalevad Eesti, Saksamaa, Bosnia ja Herzegovina, Makedoonia ja Poola noored. Programm, majutus ja toit on tasuta, ise tuleb maksta sõidukulud, millest hiljem saab 70 % tagasi. Hetke lennupiletid Berliini maksavad 225 € (seega omakulu on ca 68 €), idee poolest saab minna ka bussiga, piletimaksumus on 120 € (omakulu 26 €). Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 26. novembriks (kaasa arvatud) aadressile

Osalejad leitud!

Veel infot:

Content and aim

Discrimination, exclusion, xenophobia and racism are also in 21st century reality in our every life; there are unfortunately many examples, just looking at the daily headlines in all European newspapers of the last decade. Therefore the youth exchange is aimed to encourage the participation of young people in public life, to facilitate the achievement of their potential as active and responsible European citizens and to make them active against xenophobic and racist tensions in their local communities and in Europe. Intense dealing with the reasons, mechanisms and results of the poverty and marginalisation as xenophobia and racism tensions as well as thinking and acting as responsible European citizen against these tendencies will help to overcome discrimination and exclusion sustainably.
The planned activities are encouraging young people s awareness and commitment to tackle these issues for a more inclusive society – in their home communities as well as on European level.

19 november 2013

Kandideeri EVS vabatahtlikuks Indoneesiasse, Bali saarele!

Projekti kirjeldus:

European Voluntary Service project "Voices of Creativity - From Youth to Youth" will send a total of 12 volunteers from Estonia, Turkey and Spain to volunteer in youth work in Indonesia, Nepal or Mozambique. The Service will last for 6 months and volunteers will work with children and young people with fewer opportunities. They will work in orphanages and youth centers to encourage young people to express themselves through art, and by doing that - gain confidence on themselves. Volunteers will encourage the young to be active in their local society and to create opportunities for themselves and for the people around them. Volunteers will aim to use non-formal methods to develop the youth in orphanages and schools as in Indonesia, Nepal and Mozambique the main education system is based on formal education. This will bring a new dimension to children’s development and enables them to talk about globally important topics and offers youth a chance for personal and social development. Volunteers will arrange various non-formal workshops and activities in the youth centers and organize events with children outside the orphanages/youth centers as well. Volunteers will learn how to develop themselves personally, how to work with children and youth from culturally different background, learn new language, acquire skills to hold non-formal workshops and live and work in an unknown environment with different customs and traditions from their home country.

Hetkel otsime ühte vabatahtlikku vanuses 18-30 vabatahtliku teenistuse projekti, mis toimub Indoneesias 01.02 - 31.07.2014. Eelisjärjekorras ootame kandideerima töötuid noori, majadusraskustes noori, väikelinna või maapiirkonna noori või noori, kes kuuluvad mingisse vähemusgruppi või kellel on teisi takistusi. Kindlasti tuleks need ka enda motivatsioonikirjas välja tuua. Kindlasti võtame arvesse ka kandideerijate motivatsiooni ja valmidust panustada töösse laste ja noortega kuue kuulise vabatahtliku teenistuse projekti vältel.

Vabatahtlik töötab koos kahe noorega Hispaaniast ja ühe noorega Türgist ühises projektis Indoneesia noorteorganisatsiooni juures. Vabatahtlikele on tasuta majutus, ning igakuine toiduraha. Samuti kaetakse 90 % vabatahtliku reisikuludest Eestist Indoneesiasse ja tagasi. Töö on vabatahtlik, seega palka ei saa, kuid igakuiselt saab vabatahtlik taskuraha, mis on 50 € kuus. Enne minekut tuleb vabatahtlikul osaleda Eestis toimuvatel koolitustel, mis aitavad ette valmistuda vabatahtlikuks teenistuseks.

Lisaküsimused palun postitada siia kommentaaridena ja vastame samamoodi kommentaaridega, et ka teised huvilised neid näeksid - äkki neil on samad küsimused.

Kandideerimiseks saada oma motivatsioonikiri ja CV aadressile  esimeseks detsembriks (kaasa arvatud).  Projekti teemaks on loovus - seega palun kasuta ka oma loovust motivatsioonkirja koostamisel! :)

14 november 2013

Koolitus Makedoonias - sotsiaalne kapital & vabatahtlikkus

Koolituse toimumise koht
1-9. detsember toimub Makedoonias Kavadarcis koolitus, mille teemaks on sotsiaalne kapital ja vabatahtlikkus. Kandideerima on oodatud teemast huvitatud aktiivsed noored, noortejuhid ja noorsootöötajad (18+). Koolitusel osalemine on tasuta (majutus, söök, teggevused), ise tuleb alguses osta lennukipiletid, millest hiljem 70 % tagasi saab. Seega on omakuluks 30 % piletite hinnast (odavaim variant on hetkel lennata Riiast Skopjesse, hinnaga ca 200 €, seega omakulu on umbes 60-70 eurot). Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 

Osalejad leitud!
Veel infot:

The social capital generated by volunteering plays a key role in economic regeneration of any
society. Where poverty is endemic to an area, poor communities lack friends and neighbours
able to help. Thus, voluntary mutual aid or self-help is an important safety net. This model
works well within a state because there is a national solidarity in times of adversity and
more prosperous groups will usually make sacrices for the benet of those in need.

The main purpose and goal of the organizers of this training course is to bring the values
and benets that volunteering offers to the youngsters of the partner organizations
involved in this training. Volunteering is one of the most rewarding ways and trough
volunteering one can make a real difference to people living in the toughest circumstances.
Most people volunteer because they want to give something back and nd they get much
more in return. Volunteering often is a foundation for a long-term, sustainable solution of
the challenge the community faces.

Still, nothing compares with the satisfaction of translating generosity into practical, lifechanging

International volunteering activities and initiatives require a serious deal of organization,
coordination and management skills in order to implement the initiative properly. Thus, this
TC will provide the participants with skills and knowledge of the two main aspects -
theoretical knowledge needed to promote volunteering and recruit volunteers and
organizations skills to be a part of an international team that will put into operation
international volunteering schemes and ideas. This is a follow up project that will be held in
Kavadarci with EU, SEE and EEC countires..

13 november 2013

Noortevahetus imekaunis Poolas „Senteced to culture“

23-30. novembril toimub noortevahetus enneolematult kaunis lõuna-Poolas, Katowice lähistel, mille eesmärgiks on on leida vastus järgmistele probleemidele:
·         Mis on kultuur ?
·         Kas me suudame seda defineerida ?

Projekti lühike kava –
·         1. päev – saabumine
·         2. päev – tutvumine, reeglid
·         3.-6. päev - erinevad workshopid, erinevate riikide kultuuriõhtud jpm
·         7. päev - lahkumine

Noortevahetuse lõpuks oskab noor paremini mõista kultuuri enda ümber. Kandideerima on oodatud kõik huvitatud noored vanuses 16-25! Projektil osalemine on TASUTA (toitlustus, majutus, erinevad projekti raames toimuvad üritused), kuid alguses tuleb lennupilet iseseisvalt Poola osta, millest saab tagasi 70 % kogusummast (omakulu on 30 %). Hetkeseisuga maksavad piletid poola (Krakowi) ~300 eurot, bussiga minnes on 100 % 100 €, seega omakulu alla 30 €.
Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 15.11ks (kaasa arvatud) aadressile

Osalejad leitud!