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to meet with organisations around Moldova and other European countries are
important part for developing cooperation, new volunteering projects and
employability for young people. The Study visit will give possibility and
platform to participants and young people with fewer opportunities, youth from
rural areas and marginalised youth to develop new partnerships and youth
projects to foster development, youth employability and active citizenship. The
participants, youth workers and project coordinators of international exchange,
will visit various Moldovan organisations, that are working with the YiA
Programme or are interested to start to work with YiA, as well as explore and
exchange best youth work practices and the most successful ideas practices. Special
attention will be provided to organisations working with minorities, in
rural areas and working with young people with fewer opportunities. The Study
visit will include morning methods as workshops, thematic groups and
discussions on social inclusion, volunteering, employability, and possibilities
for cooperation between EEC and European Union and how to promote and foster
mobility and active citizenship as a way to fight exclusion and unemployment.
visit will be hosted in Vadul la Voda town near Chisinau in Moldova from 02nd
to 10th March 2014 involving participants from 16 countries. Study visit will
also include visits to Chisinau, Cricova and other towns.