Seiklejate Vennaskond on noorteorganisatsioon, mis loodi mitteformaalsel kujul juba aastal 2003, praeguseks on tegu MTÜ-ga. Aastatel 2004-2015 oleme korraldanud üheksa noortevahetust ja kaheksa koolitust Eestis ja viinud läbi mitmeid kohalikke üritusi. Oleme üks Eesti suurimaid saatvaid organisatsioone, saates aastas sadu noori ja noortega töötavaid inimesi noortevahetustesse ja koolitustele. Samuti oleme saatev organisatsioon EVS vabatahtlikele, meil on projekte nii Euroopas, Aasias kui Aafrikas.

22 jaanuar 2013

Poola noortevahetus - teemaks relvaohutus! 16-24 veebruar

Poolas toimub 16-24. veebruar  noortevahetus, mis räägib tulirelvade ja vintpüsside ohutust kasutamisest ja üldse sellest, kuidas ja kellel on õigus relvi kanda ja kasutada. Teema on sedakorda väga huvitav ning Eesti noortele (vanuses 15-30) on 15 kohta (+ grupijuht vanusepiiranguta). Kohapealsed tegevused, majutus ja toit on tasuta. Ise tuleb alguses katta reisikulud, millest kohapeal saab 70 % tagasi. Näiteks kui minna bussiga Varsavisse, siis edasi tagasi piletite hind on hetkel 65 €, lisaks kohapealsed bussid (ca 30-40 €). Seega kokku 100 € ringis - omakulu kogu projektis osalemise kohta tuleb seega kuskil 30-40 €. 
Eesti osalejatele toimub ka ettevalmistav kohtumine, et valmistuda ette projektiks (Eestis). 


Registreeri projekti saates oma nime, e-maili, telefoni, sünnikuupäeva ja aadressi:, registreerimine jätkub, kuni kohti jätkub :)

15 jaanuar 2013

Kandideeri partnerlusseminarile Sloveenias

20-26. märts toimub Sloveenias partnerlusseminar, kuhu on oodatud kandideerima aktiivsed noored, noortejuhid ja noorsootöötajad, kes soovivad ellu viia mõne projekti Eestis ning vajavad idee teostamiseks partnereid. Eelkõige on oodatud kandideerima need huvilised, kes on juba Seiklejate Vennaskonnaga seotud, on valmis organisatsiooni esindama ning meie nimel partnerlusi sõlmima. Partnerlusseminaril on kohal riigid nii Euroopa Liidust, Kagu-Euroopast kui Ida-Euroopast. Alguses ostetakse osalejatele korraldajate poolt piletid, kohapeal tuleb tasuda 30 % nende hinnast (ca 80-120 €). Kohapealne toit, majutus ja seminar on tasuta.

Kandideerimiseks lae alla kandideerimisvorm siit: (file > download) ja saada see 19.01.2012-ks aadressile

Vabatahtlikuks Maltale

Seiklejate Vennaskond on sõlminud partnerluse Malta organisatsiooniga, et saata 3 Eesti vabatahtlikku tööle loodusparki Maltal. Vabatahtliku teenistuse kestvuseks on 2-4 kuud ning esimesed projektid algavad septembris.
Kandideerima on oodatud keskkonna huvilised noored ning kandideerimiseks tuleb saata oma CV ja motivatsioonkiri (inglise keeles) 19.01.2013ks
, lisades juurde oma vabatahtliku teenistuse kestvuse soovi ja oma emergency kontaktisiku. Eriti ootame kandideerima maapiirkonna noori, töötuid noori, majandusraskustes noori. Samas ka kõik teised on oodatud.  Juhul kui projekt saab toetuse, kaetakse kõik kulud, ise tuleb katta ainult 10 % sõidukuludest Maltale. Valiku teeb vabatahtlike osas Seiklejate Vennaskond.


Nature path of volunteering

The nature reserve ‘Rinella’ is the place open to those who has a passion for nature and who wishes
to make nature sustaininable. People visit the nature reserve to gather more energy/ power to fight
daily stress and matters, to refresh their minds and get rid of the stress from the whole body. The
main idea behind this created project, is to encourage young people to become active citizens in their
community, to get them involved in the protection of green areas, to become part of local society and
to be a model example for any youth living in the same region. Moreover it gives them the opportunity
in acquriering new knowledge and exprience in sustainable organic farming which will make their
value on the labour market higher and increase the possibility to find a future job.
We believe that nature makes all people around the world peaceful, therefore the nature reserve is the
right place to build mutual understanding and tolerance between different youth representing various
culture habits and traditions.
Through the cooperation between other European organizations involved in volunteering we will
visualize the European cooperation in youth field and get over more activitites for volunteers. Due
to the fact that in this nature reserve each year a number of interns and volunteers are coming from
different Universities, shools and other youth organization, our promotion of European cooperation in
youth field is more than visiable.
The participation of young people will be the foundation of the project, as well as the inclusion
of young people with fewer opportunities. While volunteering, youth will develop or improve their
competence, increase the value on the labour market and bring experience which they can utilize in
future personal or working life.
To have the volunteers comming from a less privileged economic and cultural background will bring
a challenge to our organization and assist to gain knowledge and experince, which would be shared
between the participants and our members, during volunteering time.
To follow the annual priorities in the proposing project we will prepare a number of trainings and
practical workshops to develop and improve volunteer’s competences for personal,social and
professional development, in order to support their creativity and intiatives in selfemployment and
Considering the second annual priority on unemployed people will have equal access to the project to
stimulate their domestic unemployment and to enhance the mobility of young unemployed people and
get them actively involved in society.
Through the volunteering in a nature reserve, young people will develop environmental manners and
attitudes towards nature, as well as raise the youngester’s awareness and mobilization around global
environmental challenges and climate changes.
Project duration: 1st September 2013 – 1st September 2015
EVS duration: from 2 -4 months
Participants per SO: max. 3

07 jaanuar 2013

Kandideeri EVS vabatahtlikuks Rumeeniasse

Rumeenia organisatsioon otsib EVS vabatahtlikku, kelle ülesanded on seotud vabatahtliku töö väärtustamisega. Vabatahtlik teenistus algab 01.06.2013 ning kestab aasta. Oodatud kandideerima on kõik 18-30 aastased huvilised, valiku teeb Rumeenia organisatsioon (toimub ilmselt ka skype intervjuu) ning valituks osutumise korral on Seiklejate Vennaskond saatev organisatsioon.

Nüüd lähemalt:

 Reference number:  2011-RO-86
Because the deadline February the 1st is close to us we invite you to send your europass CV and mottivation Letter no later then 22.01.2013.
Some important information about the EVS project:
Project title : Let’s make Volunteering really count
EVS service period: 01.06.2013 - 31.05.2014 (12 months)

In our project the EVS volunteers have the opportunity to develop themselves personally, achieve useful professional competences, they can improve various aspects of the local community, while being actively involved in volunteering projects initiated by them. Their own experience and acts can play an important role in changing the mentality and attitude of local community's members.
As EVS volunteers you will receive training in the following areas:
  • non-formal education methods,
  • volunteering project management,
  • Romanian Language courses,
  • job searching techniques (how to design a successfull CV and ML, how to prepare for a job Interview)
 As EVS volunteers you will get involved in volunteering activities such as:
  • discussions with young people in order to identify problems they have in main areas as: job / employment, how volunteering could help them in getting a job, their real participation in public decisions, their multiculturalexperiences.
      Starting from these identified problems the EVS volunteers will initiate and develop volunteering projects and activities such as:
             §         campaign to promote volunteering through non-formal methods,
§         facilitate dialogue between young people and local community stakeholders (the local decision and policy makers)
§         meetings to inform young people on how to make an Europass CV, a successful Motivation Letter or how to prepare for a job interview
§         volunteering in social and educational centers for children and young people with fewer opportunities (social, educational, economical)
To be selected as EVS volunteers in this project you have to:
  • be willing to make a change in your life and your mentality,
  • make the effort to adapt and live in a completely new multicultural community,
  • to finalize your volunteer projects despite the difficulties:
  • be determined  to promote volunteering through your own volunteering activities
If you are interested in applying, please send your application  (CV and ML) until 22.01.2013 to and Must containing the name of your Sending organisation (Seiklejate Vennaskond) from your country.
Note also your ID cause will be contact for an interview on skype.
Final results will be announced on 24.01.2013. 

Kandideeri EVS vabatahtlikuks Kreekasse

Chiose saar

Oleme alustanud läbirääkimisi Kreeka organisatsiooniga saatmaks kahte vabatahtlikku Kreekasse raadiot tegema :) Üks inimene alustaks oma teenistust 01.06.2013 (1 aasta) ja teine 1.10.2013 (1 aasta) - juhul kui projekt muidugi toetust saab. Oleme kokku leppinud, et kui leitakse sobivad kandidaadid, esitame taotluse meie (Seiklejate Vennaskond). Vabatahtlikul tuleb ise katta 10 % reisikuludest, muid kulusid ei ole. Loe EVSi kohta lähemalt: ja Nüüd lähemalt projektist:

Dear candidate,

Please visit the web site of the last year’s activities (Up to today) at (made from our EVS volunteers).
Please listen our volunteer’s Radio Station at (made from our EVS volunteers).
Please visit the following links to see our past project’s videos.
This year’s snapshot Video
Construction of a Traditional Boat
Environmental Protection
Eisodia Panagias Ereithianis
Farewell Party at the swimming pool of the club P.E.K.E.V.
Farewell Party at the swimming pool of the club P.E.K.E.V.
Anti-violence Presentation watch?v=gLnIRWBK_AY
Anti-violence Song 1
How to compose an e-mail and how to type their name on the computer. emDWGpKjRUE
About European countries in Geography.
You can find below some general information about the Chios Island and the project’s tasks.
Please take some time and read carefully the following information.
We need your answers to the following questions.
We will be happy to have your opinion under each question (analytically).
Your answers will be like an agreement for all the EVS period and give you the 90% of the selection points.
Please do not write, what you think we would like to hear, but what is true.
It is better, we know about your situation and possible difficulties from the beginning, instead of having a bad surprise later.
Please send us your CV and some recent color photos of you by e-mail to
About you:  
Last Name:
First Name:
Date of Birth:
E-mail address:
Mobile telephone number (including International code):
Which languages do you speak?
Which are your Hobbies?
Have you ever had a health problem?
Do you have any allergy?
Have you ever taken part in psychotherapy?
Have you ever used drugs or had any problems with alcohol? 
Do you have any particular dietary needs?
Do you smoke?
Do you know swimming?
Do you have a Driver's license? Do you drive regularly?
Can you tell us something about your family?
Have you ever lived far away from your family and friends? 
Do you ever spend time alone? What do you do usually? 
Who do you live with now? Do you have a partner?
If yes, how you see your EVS life for one year without him/her?
Why did you decide to volunteer?
How do you imagine your days will be during the voluntary service?
What could be more important than the EVS project agreement which will force you to stop the project before the official ending date?
Because, for some days, the role of the volunteers is “assistant teacher”, they have to meet the Greek (parents) prototype of a teacher.
This means that a person that has strange tattoos (devils, etc) or strange piercing, uses any kind of drugs or is walking around the city with a bottle of alcohol in his/her hand is not accepted by the local community as a person who deals with their children.
What is your opinion?
Do you have any of the above?
 Location:“Experimental TES-HIENET” is a small educational-youth and sports organization located in Vrontados village ( ) at the fifth biggest island of Greece, Chios. ( ). You can have more information concerning Chios Island and our organization at:  -  -  (All are created by our team and the EVS Volunteers)
Which are your expectations during your staying in our Island?
 Project’s Tasks:The volunteers are working 6 hours per day, 5 days per week.
What is your opinion?
The main task of the volunteer is to offer nonprofit work with computers, creating, translating, updating and administrating web sites and Media Projects, working on videos, on educational, cultural, sport and youth New Technologies projects. After learning Greek, they will have essential contact with the local people aiming at the exchange of ideas that might lead to the realization of a project on Cultural, Educational or Youth issue. If they are needed, some days are helping on the Educational, Cultural and Sport subjects in a primary school, escorting children to a bus which is transferring them to the swimming pool, helping on teaching children Sailing to a sailing team, etc. (Of course those tasks are depending on the needs of the cooperating organizations). We are also working with many Greek and European schools on the program In the winter and spring we are usually working on computer projects and in the summer additional to the computer tasks, which are the MAIN tasks, we are going some days to the swimming pool, to the sailing team and we are helping in different events, like the annual bicycle race, etc.
What is your opinion?
 Accommodation:House: Our project’s volunteers live in our organization’s house like one Multicultural family in shared rooms (Boys room or girl’s room) and are fully participating in all aspects of the house work.
What is your opinion?
Have you ever shared a room before?
Do you accept to live in a hosting place where there is little privacy
Food: The volunteers are responsible for making a cooking scheduler at home.
The hosting place ( is equipped with the necessary appliances to prepare their meals. We only ask them to give us a list of the goods they need each time for cooking at home, so we can supply them with. (Because of that it is very difficult to host people with special diet and impossible to shop expensive goods).
What is your opinion?
Because our project is taking place in a tourist island, we have one important rule:
In case that a friend or family member intents to visit the volunteers, we prefer this visit to take place after the first half of the volunteer’s project. (Not at the period of adaptation) and they must book their own accommodation in a hotel and meet with the volunteers out of the working hours. 
What is your opinion?
Volunteers are not allowed to offer accommodation or food, to any person.
What is your opinion?
We cannot provide “couple’s rooms”. In case that you will have a boyfriend / girlfriend during the project in Chios, you have to know that our volunteers house rule don’t permit to have this person in our EVS house, or you to live in his or hers or other house. You must meet him / her out of the EVS house. What is your opinion?
Holidays:Because our organization is located in an island, is impossible for the volunteers to do one or two day’s trip to other places. Because of that, our organization and volunteers decided to adapt the holidays at the school holidays. The volunteers are having 4 weeks holidays in the period of 12 months, (2 weeks in Christmas and 2 weeks in Greek Easter plus the Greek National Holidays. In the holidays the volunteers can do anything they want and go anywhere they want (around Greece or even to Turkey or Europe) but they are responsible for the extra expenses. What is your opinion?
Free Time:In our project the volunteer has two free days per week.
How do you imagine your free time in general? 
Learning:The most of the winter and spring days our volunteers are working on Cooperative learning and altogether are “producing by learning” Cultural, Educational, Sports and Touristic Web and 3D projects, like web sites and 3D games. This year we will work with: Cinema 4d 10, Adobe Flash CS3, Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Premier CS3, Corel X3, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Front Page, Blender 3D software, E-learning, Translations, Joomla Etc. We are “using” the knowledge that our team has in order to realize educational material in “computer projects” like a 3D game or a cultural Web site or a “Flash” mathematics game. In order to realize those, the EVS team has to work together for many hours on computers as a group. They are learning how to learn. This knowledge could be helpful for your future to learn “as professional as possible” the computer programs. To do this with “cooperative learning” you need to study many computer programs and to work with computers for many hours or for many days.
What is your opinion?
What do you hope to learn from this experience? 
What would you like to impart on the people in whom you will live or work with or to the local children and young people?
Are you “expert” in something?
Do you have any “work” in the internet? Please send us URL’s.
Please write to us if you willing to “sacrifice” some of your free time doing tutorials of computer programs and language exercises.
Do you have a problem on working with computers for many hours per day?
Please reply soon with answers under each of the above points (analytically).
Best regards
Dimitris Psoras
Director (Organisation) (project description) (EVS Radio Station)
Tel : 00306944799898

Kandideerimiseks saada nõutud dokumendid ja vastused paralleelselt aadressile: ja Kandideerimise tähtaeg on 22. jaanuar 2013.