Seiklejate Vennaskond on noorteorganisatsioon, mis loodi mitteformaalsel kujul juba aastal 2003, praeguseks on tegu MTÜ-ga. Aastatel 2004-2015 oleme korraldanud üheksa noortevahetust ja kaheksa koolitust Eestis ja viinud läbi mitmeid kohalikke üritusi. Oleme üks Eesti suurimaid saatvaid organisatsioone, saates aastas sadu noori ja noortega töötavaid inimesi noortevahetustesse ja koolitustele. Samuti oleme saatev organisatsioon EVS vabatahtlikele, meil on projekte nii Euroopas, Aasias kui Aafrikas.

23 mai 2013

Seminar Moldovas õpetajatele - mitteformaalne õpe!

Otsime kahte osalejat seminarile "Teacher Power", mis toimub 20.-27. juuli Moldovas. Seminarile on oodatud kandideerima õpetajad, kes on huvitatud mitteformaalse õppe meetoditest ja nende kasutamisest oma igapäevases töös õpilastega. Valituks osutumisel on osalejatele kohapeale majutus, toit ja seminar tasuta, ise tuleb alguses osta lennukipiletid, millest saab 70 % tagasi. Hetke piletihinnad Moldovasse on ca 300 € edasi-tagasi.

Lisainfo inglise keeles:
The general idea of this seminar is to bring together teachers from different European and Eastern European and Caucasian countries in order to build common understanding and exchange experience on how formal education could be combined with non-formal learning in order to promote the development of young people in rural areas where there are not that many opportunities than in bigger towns and cities. The contents of the seminar would include:   

-          Principles, values and characteristics of non-formal learning (NFL)
-          Connection with formal education
-          Needs and interests of young people in different countries that could be better addressed by NFL methods
-          NFL methodology and application in life (also good practices)
-          Empowerment of rural youth
-          Opportunities of “Youth in Action” programme for youth

To ensure the training has a real impact on participants, it will include a wide spectrum of methods and approaches. Considering the different learning styles of people, we will make sure that the methods chosen provide a good balance of opportunities for different people and are as interactive involving as possible. We will make participants aware that learning can take place both in non-formal as well as informal settings.The project would use wide variety of learning methods making the learning process as interactive, effective, fun and creative as possible. We will use such methods as : peer-topeer sharing, discussions, interactive presentations, creative workshops, study visits, living library meetings, creation of new educational tools, etc. The seminar would inspire teachers to bring these practices back home and improve their daily work with youth.

The project includes 24 participants from Program countries (Latvia, Poland, Spain, Romania, Estonia, Bulgaria) and  EECA countries (Republic of Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus) - 2 participants from each organization.

Kandideerimiseks lae alla taotlusvorm: ja saada see 5. juuniks aadressile

21 mai 2013

Kandideeri koolitusele noorte tööhõivest Itaalias 14. - 22. juuni 2013

Trento, Itaalia
Otsime osalejat koolitusele Itaalias, Trentos, mis toimub 14. - 22. juuni. Koolituse teemaks on noorte tööpuudus ja tööhõive. Otsime Eestist ühte osalejat, kes oleks vanuses 18-30 ning motiveeritud teemaga tegelema. Kohapealne elamine ja toit on tasuta, ise tuleb osalejatel tasuda reisikulud, millest 70 % saab tagasi. Lisaks on Itaalia korraldajate poolt seatud materjalide tasu 20 €, mis arvestatakse tagasi saadavast rahast maha. Hetkel saab pileteid Itaaliasse ca 150 € -ga (Milaanosse, lisanduvad rongipiletid Trentosse), seega omakulu on suhteliselt madal (algusega Riiast on hind veelgi odavam). 

During 8 days of activity, 30 participants coming from European associations working with unemployed youngsters, will debate and share methodologies, experiences and tools about the topic of “Youth and (un)employability”. The TC will use a Peers Collaborative Learning Approach among young people and young operators form Youth Associations, to build a common knowledge about the problem and define new personal and social strategies to figh against youth unemployment in Europe.
The aims are to improve the individual employability skills of young people, exchange of active job search strategies and promote the creation of networking at two levels:
• Individual networking, finding allies in other countries to increase their chances to found work (not only finding suitable offers but also creating networks to help mobility)
• Associations networking, sharing strategies, information, tools,... to improve employment services offer to their young users.
The TC wants to propose a series of items, in order to examine: how can the job with the young people (Youth Work) contribute to face the problem of the unemployment among the young people; what are the possible ways for youngsters to resolve the occupational problems; of which professionalism and competences the Youth workers must be endowed to join this goal; that means how to favor the increase of the not-formal education inside job with the young people.

During the TC will be developed activities that contribute to generate new knowledges, competencies and tools among the participants using a Peers Collaborative Learning Approach that includes:
1) Training: With a practical learning about what Active Citizenship means and how young people participation can fight against unemployment, working concepts as work, self-employment, mobility,…; reflecting on the characteristics (local and European) of the problem; proposing individual and collective solutions and Labor concepts: (in its various forms)
2) Building networks: at two levels: 
a. Of Associations: Meet and share practices and debate on examples of where (un)employement issues are hidden in youth work (especially involving unemployed younger in the activities of the Association). The method is round tables, focus groups, role-playing, etc. involving actively and directly participants.
b. Individual: Encouraging networking and social compromise as a way to get involved in fighting unemployment but, also, to give mutual support to create employment opportunities among the participants.
3) Open doors and practical activities: characterized by study visits at local NGO’s working with unemployed people, or Job Centres and use of e-learning tools in order to interview opinion leaders, member of press, decision makers of the different countries where the associations becomes;
4) Project our future: Consolidating networking planning long-term activities and joint projects, over all regarding the Job shadowing measures and EVS as example of geographical mobility and disseminating the results, expanding the results on their local communities (other members of the Association, other young people, friends, ...) through non formal education and practical workshops.

Kandideerimiseks lae alla kandideerimisvorm:, täida ära (pane faili nimeks oma ees-ja perekonnanimi + Trento) ja saada see 27ks maiks aadressile:

Noortevahetus Makedoonias keskkonnakaitse teemal

Ohridi järv
10-20. juuni toimub Makedoonias Orhidi linnas noortevahetus, mille teemaks on keskkonnakaitse ja roheline mõtteviis. Kohal on noored erinevatest Euroopa riikidest (vaata lähemalt päevakavast). Eestist on oodatud kandideerima noored vanuses 18-25. Kohapeal on elamine ja toit tasuta, alguses tuleb osta ise lennukipiletid, millest hiljem saab pangaülekandega 70 % tagasi. Lennukipiletite puhul tuleks arvestada vähemalt 350 €, seega omakulu on ca 100 €. Enne projekti toimub Eesti osalejatele ettevalmistav kohtumine.

Vaata päevakava siit:

Kandideerimiseks lae alla kandideerimisvorm siit:, pane faili nimeks oma ees- ja perekonnanimi + Makedoonia ja saada see 25ks maiks

02 mai 2013

Noortevahetus Rumeenias

Bucovina regioon
Kandideeri noortevahetusele Rumeenias 22. juuni - 2. juuli 2013. Projekti teemaks on keskkond ning roheline mõtlemine ning kandideerima on oodatud 18-25 aastased noored. Samuti on vaba koht grupijuhile (18+). Kokku on Eesti osalejatele 7 kohta. Reisikuludest hüvitatakse 70 %  ja kohapeal elamine/toit on tasuta. Projektil ei ole osalustasu!

Kokkuvõte inglise keeles:

Eco Village Action is a multilateral youth exchange (Action 1.1) that will take place in the village of Dorna Arini, located in the historical region of Bucovina, a beautiful but rather isolated part of Northern Romania. For 11 days, 38 young people, between 18 and 25 years old, and 6 leaders with no age limit, coming from Romania, Italy, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic and Sweden, will meet in order to share experiences, learn and focus on concrete actions for promoting ecology and raising awareness about the harmful impact of man against the environment. They will acknowledge the importance of good ecological practices through concrete actions in rural areas by the use of non-formal education methods and inter-cultural dialogue.
We will establish links between the participants and the people from the local community, which will become more aware of how they can protect the environment and do less harm after their attention has been raised by the special actions performed in the youth exchange. Our main objectives are to realize a series of Eco Actions promoting good practices with a direct impact on people, to create interaction between the participants and the local community (especially the young people with fewer opportunities from the area) and to involve as much as possible local authorities and decision-makers during our activities.
Most important, we wish to promote the meaning of European Citizenship as being a way of life and not just an abstract idea, as it involves many good practices in the society. In our
project we will focus mostly on the care for the environment and on taking action in order to make a difference in the community where you live.

Kandideerimiseks lae alla taotlusvorm SIIT ja saada see 5. maiks 2013.

EVS vabatahtlikuks Hispaaniasse (9 kuud algusega 01.06)

Otsime 18-30 aastast noort, kes sooviks minna vabatahtlikuks Hispaaniasse, Leoni piirkonda. Projekt algab juba 1. juunil ja kestab 9 kuud. Projekti teemaks on keskkond ja orgaaniline tootmine (toit). Selleks, et kandideerida, tuleb saata oma inglise keelne CV ja motivatsioonikiri 5. maiks aadressile Juhul kui osutute valituks, katab programm  Euroopa Noored 90 % vabatahtliku reisikuludest ning kohapeal on elamine, toit jm tasuta. Lisaks taskuraha 105 € / kuus.

Loe projektist lähemalt siit: