Seiklejate Vennaskond on noorteorganisatsioon, mis loodi mitteformaalsel kujul juba aastal 2003, praeguseks on tegu MTÜ-ga. Aastatel 2004-2015 oleme korraldanud üheksa noortevahetust ja kaheksa koolitust Eestis ja viinud läbi mitmeid kohalikke üritusi. Oleme üks Eesti suurimaid saatvaid organisatsioone, saates aastas sadu noori ja noortega töötavaid inimesi noortevahetustesse ja koolitustele. Samuti oleme saatev organisatsioon EVS vabatahtlikele, meil on projekte nii Euroopas, Aasias kui Aafrikas.

24 juuli 2013

Noortevahetus eksootilises Albaanias!

1.-9. september toimub Tiraanas, Albaanias noortevahetus, mille teemaks on kaasamine ja identiteet. Teemat uuritakse läbi kunsti ja teatri. Eestist on oodatud osalema 4 noort vanuses 18-25 ja grupijuht (18+). Lisaks Eestile on kohal veel Itaalia, Poola, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Türgi ja Albaania noored. Kohapealsed kulud (majutus, toit jne) on kaetud programmi Euroopa Noored poolt 100 %, ise tuleb osalejatel tasuda lennukipiletid, mille eest saab pärast 70 % tagasi. Hetkel on saadaval Albaania kohta väga soodsad piletid - alla 300 €. Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see aadressile: Hetke seisuga (06.08) on kaks vaba kohta - kes kiiremini reageerib, saab Albaaniasse! Faili nimeks pane enda ees- ja perekonnanimi + Albaania. 

Loe veel:

This youth project aims to support young people on the path to building an inclusive society
by giving a voice to the concerns of young people who experience different kinds poverty
marginalization and social exclusion and to inspire participants from different countries to
be engaged publicly in these important issues. Street theater or street performance is a tool
to effectively express the concerns and feelings of those experiencing poverty as well as
educate the general public about the complexity of their situation and inspire a more
inclusive approach to poverty.
Participants will have the possibility to be aware of cultural differences and learn about
other cultures through working in international groups. Youngsters with fewer opportunities
also will aware to raise up the voice, fight for their rights and the importance of trial to make
a change in life. This YE will be a starting point for youth leaders to work back in local
communities and fostering other youngsters to become entrepreneurs. This can lead to
social development of marginalized groups in the society.
Through this YE we aim to foster a better understanding of poverty and social exclusion of
marginalised youngsters. We are committed to ensure that the project will reinforce the
civic attitudes of participants and their awareness of how important this mentality is in building an inclusive society today. We want to show that together, by focusing on our
similarities, we can build a more human society based on respect and inclusion of
European diversity. This project will give diverse youngsters, Roma and others, the
possibility to voice their concerns as well as to speak up and engage with these important
Through this YE we also aim to give participants the first spark which will lead them to
future entrepreneurship initiatives. Art and entrepreneurship will be very well engaged and
participants will gain the skills on how to use art in a productive way towards employment.
The project will also give these youngsters the possibility to meet new people, collaborate
on international group work. Participants will also learn how to use intercultural learning in
the society. The activities which will be proposed, and lastly will conclude in a group street
performance will be composed interactively and demonstrate a creative way to tackle social
- Building up understanding between youngsters facing different kinds of poverty and social
- fostering mutual understanding and respect between minority and majority groups;
- learning about aspects of poverty and marginalisation to better understand the complexity;
- to provide opportunity for young people to stand up for their right and speak up about
poverty and marginalisation
- allow participants to self reflect on personal, national and European identity
- to increase skills of youngsters to be more active in social life.

18 juuli 2013

Koolitus Küprosel - Euroopa väärtused ja aktiivne osalus kodanikuühiskonnas

24-31. oktoober toimub Küprosel koolitus, mille teemaks on Euroopa väärtused ja aktiivne osalus kodanikuühiskonnas. Oodatud kandideerima on teemast huvitatud noorsootöötajad, noortejuhid ja aktiivsed noored (18+). Valituks osutumise korral katab programm Euroopa Noored majutuse, toidu ja koolitusekulud, osalejal tuleb ise alguses osta pilet ja hiljem saab sellest 70 % tagasi (hetke piletihinnad Küprosele on ca 350-400 €). Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see aadressile: 29.07.2013ks (kaasa arvatud). Osalejad leitud.

Projektist lähemalt:

The objectives of the course are multifaceted with the overarching aim being to encourage the development of participants as active and responsible citizens through the exploration of civil, political and social components of citizenship within the framework of the European Union. More specifically, it will allow for a conceptual and theoretical understanding of the notion of European Citizenship, develop the necessary skills and attitudes for active participation in civic life whilst simultaneously exploring the role of European Citizenship in youth work.
The methodology adopted will emanate from principles of non-formal learning. More specifically, activities on citizenship education as contained in the Council of Europe COMPASS training manual will be implemented with a view of promoting the necessary skills and attitudes that underlie active citizenship. Participatory activities such as team games, role plays and wall magazines will be employed throughout with theoretical presentations being combined with debates and interactive discussions. The group will also have the opportunity to participate in a workshop conducted by a lawyer on the rights and duties of European citizens. There will also be a 'Europe Day' where participants will learn all about the history, founding principles and values of the European Union and an 'Intercultural Learning Day' where participants will explore the semantics of this notion within the framework of European Citizenship. Towards the end of the exchange, participants will prepare and implement a presentation on any aspect of their choice pertaining to European Citizenship. This will be open to the youth workers, NGO workers, journalists and other interested individuals. The central purpose of the two-fold methodology combining the cultivation of attitudes and skills on the one hand and knowledge on the other constitutes an effective and long-term embracement of European citizenship. The project will include participants with fewer opportunities.  AEQUITAS will be the hosting organization.

Koolitus Norras - kuidas edastada infot noortele?

Drammen, Norra
2-11. september toimub Norras koolitus "I Can Multiply!" mille teemaks on see, kuidas paremini edastada noorteinfot nii, et see jõuaks kõigi huvilisteni ning info ise oleks atraktiivne. Kandideerima on oodatud noortega töötavad inimesed, noortejuhid ja aktiivsed noored (18 +). Koolitus toimub Drammenis, Norras ning toob kokku 28 osalejat. Eesti osalejatele on 4 kohta. Kohapealsed kulud (majutus, toit, koolitus) on kaetud programmi Euroopa Noored poolt 100 %, ise tuleb osalejatel tasuda lennukipiletid, mille eest saab pärast 70 % tagasi. Hetke piletihinnad Oslosse jäävad lausa alla 50 € (see hind võib muidugi muutuda), kuid üldiselt on sõidukulud väga väikesed. Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 29.07.2013ks (kaasa arvatud). Osalejad leitud. 

Rohkem infot:

Training course “I can multiply“ is aimed for youth workers directly working with young people from different target groups or responsible for sharing and providing information about different opportunities to young people. Training course will take place in Drammen, Norway and involve 28 participants from 8 countries across Europe (Norway, Estonia, UK, France, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Italy and Turkey). The date of project will be between 26th August and 4th September 2013. Intermezzo Ungdom will be host and applicant organization. Training will be lead by intercultural team of trainers from Estonia and UK with the support of Norwegian support team.
Training course helps to develop skills which are essential for this kind of activity: working with different target groups, understanding the concept of intercultural learning, developing personal learning process in the context of non-formal learning. Training tackles topics like what are the opportunities of YiA programme and developing participants’ knowledge of certain sub-programmes; additionally Youthpass as a important tool in valuing non-formal learning process is examined and and practicezised. We work on how to analyze the needs of different target groups, how to motivate them and provide them information in attractive and useful way. The training course involves local specialists, multipliers and members of local youth organizations who have the chance to share experiences with  participants and make new contacts.

Vabatahtlikuks sügisest Rumeeniasse - töö lastega!

Töö lastega Rumeenias
Otsime ühte vabatahtlikku, kes alates 01.09.2013 sooviks töötada Rumeenias lastega. Projekti kestvuseks on üks aasta. Vabatahtlik töötab lastega, kuid saab seda teha erinevates kohtades ja viies läbi väga erinevaid tegevusi. Üheskoos töötavad lausa 7 vabatahtlikku Eestist, Austriast, Bulgaariast, Taanist, Prantsusmaalt ja Itaaliast. Loe projekti kirjeldust SIIT. Valituks osutumisel katab programm Euroopa Noored majutuse, elamise ja kohapealsed kulud. Vabatahtlikul on kindlustus, tasuta keelekurused ja taskuraha iga kuu. Ise tuleb tasuda vaid 10 % reisikuludest. Kohustuslik on osaleda ettevalmistaval koolitusel Eestis 15-16. august ning osaleda ka saatva organisatsiooni poolt pakutavas ettevalmistuses (kokkuleppel, augustis). Eesti saatev organisatsioon on Seiklejate Vennaskond, kes teeb ka valiku kandidaatide osas. Kandideerimiseks tuleb saata CV, motivatsioonikiri (mõlemad inglise keeles) ja avaldus (lae alla SIIT) aadressile 26. juuliks. Vabatahtlik olemas :)

17 juuli 2013

Koolitus Rumeenias noortele liidritele

Bran'is asuv loss on tuntud ka kui Dracula loss
Rumeenias, Branis toimub 2.09 - 9.09 koolitus noortejuhtidele, et arendada liidrioskuseid. Projekti eesmärgiks on tõsta osalejate teadlikkust noorsootööst maapiirkondades, arendada neis liidrioskuseid, toetada noortele maapiirkonnas ja väikelinnades võimaluste loomist ja jagada omavahel häid praktikaid. Kandideerima on oodatud aktiivsed noored ja noortejuhid (18+). Eesti osalejatele on 3 kohta. Kohapealne koolitus, majutus ja toit on tasuta, ise tuleb alguses tasuda lennukipiletid, millest 70 % saab hiljem tagasi. Hetkel maksavad piletid algusega Tallinnast ca 300 €, algusega Riiast 250 €. Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see aadressile  Ankeedi nimeks ja e-maili pealkirjaks pane oma nimi + Rumeenia. Osalejad leitud. 

Veel infot: 

 Providing support to young people with fewer opportunities living in rural or
deprived urban areas
 Raising awareness about the nature of youth work
 Promoting the sharing of best practices in the sphere of youth work
 Urban/Rural development

"The Rural Leaders of Europe" is a training that was generated by people from rural areas. The event represents a practical course where the participants, youth workers and young leaders will learn and share methods of bringing leadership to the rural areas.
The theme of the event is leadership in rural areas and its adaptation for young people from rural areas. One instrument that will be used to empower young people in the rural area in order to make a step forward will be the promotion of the Youth in Action programme in an easy-to-digest way, framework for personal and community development. The participants will create further partnerships for their ideas to be implemented under this programme, mainly under Eastern Partnership Window.
Facilitation as a tool for coordination of groups will represent one of the key methods to be used during the training and afterwards, in the rural area. As the methodology of the training course will be based on a participatory attitude, trainee centered approach, the activities will be based on the acquiring and practicing by the participants skills on facilitation.
The process is meant to improve the capacity of youth leaders in EU countries and EECA countries (part of the Eastern Partnership Window) to organise and empower rural communities as they promote rural development. The 6-day long training course that will be logistically implemented by the partner from Romania, will bring together 29 youth workers, youth leaders, trainers, facilitators and support staff. It will be held at the beginning of September 2013 in Bran, Romania. The partnership consists of an equal
numbers of countries from EU and EECA, namely Estonia, Italy, Lithuania, Romania and
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova. Our training course will provide the participants with the possibility to impact the EU’s sustainable developmental strategy across Eastern Partnership Windows' countries as a key point and a good practice for dialoguebuilding capacity.
The participants will rediscover their potential to improve their immediate surroundings, becoming multipliers in their own communities by active involvement and initiative, as well as determination through working within the framework of Youth in Action programme. After the event, a good practice and improved kit for empowering youth in rural area will be created with the help of the different sessions (group work,
simulations, interactive activities, analysis of cases on videos, role play) and will be actively implemented by the multipliers in their local communities. The 8 partners will
also ensure the visibility and applicability of the tools presented during the training by
helping multipliers in their activities.

Our project is based on a partnership within the Eastern Partnership Window, aiming to foster the cooperation and share of good practices among the countries of this facility. This initiative is meant to assist young people and the relevant civil society groups in EU and EECA countries in the field of rural leadership and citizenship that comes with it. The top priority for us is to shape a project that will tackle the needs of young leaders and social workers in their effort of empowering youth in rural areas.

More generally, the project will:

- train 24 youth leaders and social workers from EU and EECA countries in a 6-day training in leadership and facilitation;
- empower young people to become aware of what they want and enable them to create their action plan for the future;
- test new methods in intercultural facilitation;
- promote the Youth in Action programme as a tool for working with realization of ideas
in the rural area;
- share best practice in European youth work in EU and Eastern Partnership;
- bring awareness of the EU initiatives and programmes, and therefore to make young

15 juuli 2013

Vabatahtlikuks Prantsusmaale juba septembrist!

Otsime vabatahtlikku, kes sooviks minna Prantsusmaale 10 kuuks vabatahtlikuks. Põhjalik projekti kirjeldus on olemas siin (lugege väga põhjalikult läbi ja veenduge, et see on midagi teile, enne kui hakkate kandideerima). Projektis on juba üks Eesti vabatahtlik, kuid üks hispaanlane ei saa minna, seega on vaba ja see on hea võimalus just neile, kes tahaksid nüüd ja kohe minna. Valiku osalejate osas teeb Prantsuse organisatsioon. Juhul kui osutute valituks, on teil kohapeal tasuta toit ja majutus, keelekursused, kindlustus, taskuraha ning kaetakse 90 % reisikuludest. Seega ise tuleb maksta ainult 10 % reisikuludest, mis on vabatahtliku ainus kulu. Kohustuslik on ettevalmistus saatva organisatsiooniga (uskuge, ka väga vajalik) ning osalemine pre-departure koolitusel augustis. Projekti rahastab programm Euroopa Noored Euroopa vabatahtliku teenistuse raames. Kandideerida saavad kõik 18-30 aastased noored. Huvi korral tuleb saata:
- CV
Motivation letter with :
-1 - motivation to go abroad, which step in your life
2 - motivation for voluntary activity
on for our projects in pa
3 - motivation for France 4 - motivation for partnership with "Unis Cité"organisation
5 - your personnality....
6 Volunteer application form -
7 - what you could bring to our project
Kahjuks pole pakkumine enam aktiivne.
Lisaküsimused saadke samuti ülaltoodud aadressidele (Pierre aadressile projekti sisuga seotud küsimused).
Loe ühe eelmise vabatahtliku kogemust SIIT.