Seiklejate Vennaskond on noorteorganisatsioon, mis loodi mitteformaalsel kujul juba aastal 2003, praeguseks on tegu MTÜ-ga. Aastatel 2004-2015 oleme korraldanud üheksa noortevahetust ja kaheksa koolitust Eestis ja viinud läbi mitmeid kohalikke üritusi. Oleme üks Eesti suurimaid saatvaid organisatsioone, saates aastas sadu noori ja noortega töötavaid inimesi noortevahetustesse ja koolitustele. Samuti oleme saatev organisatsioon EVS vabatahtlikele, meil on projekte nii Euroopas, Aasias kui Aafrikas.

21 veebruar 2014

Koolitus Ukrainas: kolmanda sektori organisatsioonide turundus

11.-19. märts toimub Lviv'is Ukrainas koolitus, mille teemaks on kolmanda sektori organisatsioonide turundus ja haldamine. Kandideerima on oodatud aktiivsed noored, noortejuhid ja noortega töötavad inimesed (18+). Eesti osalejatele on 3 kohta. Koolituse, majutuse ja toidukulud on kaetud 100 % programmi Euroopa Noored poolt, ise tuleb osalejatel katta lennukipiletid, millest saab 70 % tagasi. Hetkel on parim lendamise kombinatsioon lennata Riiast Lviv'i (pilet ca 280 €, seega omakulu 84 €). Kandideerimiseks täida ära ANKEET.

Osalejad leitud!

Veel infot projekti kohta:
The Sumy City Youth PO – Foundation for Regional initiatives is delighted to be your host from 11 – 19 March 2014, for the Training Course “The sky is the limit” that will take place at Grand-resort (near Lviv), Ukraine!
Our Training Course is focused on the following aspects which we deemed necessary for any well organized youth NGO:
- development of an understanding of the nature of Marketing Management of NGOs;
- the role of practitioners when they are working with EVS volunteers;
- recognizing the key areas of Marketing Management of NGOs involvement as a tool for self-promotion and promotion of organizations activities;
- general concepts and principles of Marketing Management of NGOs

At the same time we aim to train NGO staff and project managers how to build and maintain positive and cooperative relationship with the public and also how to create a positive environment using PR methods to promote solutions for EVS voluntarism promotion. We aim to develop the quality of youth activities and capabilities of civil society organizations in the youth field for improving public relations considering volunteer projects with giving opportunity to participants for acquiring skills for further development of voluntary organizations.
With this project we want to improve the participant’s competences, knowledge, skills and attitudes to higher quality practice in the youth field regarding working with volunteers.
Participants that will attend this Training Course will come from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey.

18 veebruar 2014

Kandideeri EVS vabatahtlikuks Gruusias!

Projekti kirjeldus:

The project "European House in Guria" will take place in Western Georgia, Guria region and will host 4 volunteers with 6 months from Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia), the volunteers will deal with youth activities, local community projects for the children and young people in the city Ozurgeti as well as in nearby rural areas. The hosting organisation plans to create a common European space (HOUSE) in the fields of project, where the meaning of European citizenship will be aware, histories and traditions of Baltic and other European countries gathered and poster to the development of Georgian youth to use European ways of nonformal and formal education and active participation, to contribute to civil society and local community development.

The project is directed also on the development of solidarity, promotion of importance cultural diversity and mutual understanding among young people, recognize the value and importance and raise awareness for voluntary work, the importance of active civil society, raise intercultural understanding. Wide range of the activities (workshops, information campaigns, cultural, education events) will help the participants of project to find new contacts, develop the steps for personal development and professional carrier and be the Europeans despite of originality of nations.

Kandideerimine on lõppenud!

Projekti kestvus on 01.03 - 01.09.2014 (saabumine projekti tegevuskohta märtsi seitsme esimese päeva jooskul). Projektis osaleb kokku 4 noort (2 Eestist, 1 Lätist, 1 Leedust), kuid Seiklejate Vennaskonna poolt saame saata 1 vabatahtliku. Projekt on rahastatud Euroopa Noored Euroopa vabatahtliku teenistuse programmi raames st. et vabatahtlikul on projekti ajal tasuta majutus ja toit, ning kaetakse ka 90 % reisikuludest. Enne vabatahtlikuks minekut toimub Seiklejate Vennaskonna poolne ettevalmistus ning peale saabumist saabumisjärgsel koolitusel Gruusias. 

Vabatahtlik töö toimub 30-38 tundi nädalas, 5 päeva tööl, 2 vaba.  

Vabatahtlik saab ka iga kuu taskuraha, mille suuruseks on 80 €, ning lisaks raha toidu- ja sidekuludeks (ca 100 €). 4 vabatahtlikku elavad üheskoos neile renditud korteris. 

Kandideerida vabatahtlikuks saavad 18-30 aastased noored ning valiku tegemisel on kõige olulisemaks kriteeriumiks vabatahtliku motivatsioon. Kasuks tuleb ka vene keele oskus algtasemel. 

Kandideerimiseks tuleb saata oma CV ja motivatsioonkiri (mõlemad inglise keeles) aadressile: 21. veebruariks 2014. Motivatsioonikiri võib olla ka video vormis, ning kindlasti tasub lisada endast ka pilte :) Vabatahtlikul tuleb valmis olla intervjuuks, mis toimub Tallinnas vahemikus 24.-26. veebruar (erandkorras võimalik videointervjuu). Kandideerida on mõtet ainult juhul, kui oled 100 % kindel, et ta tahad ja saad kindlalt osaleda projektis.

16 veebruar 2014

Koolitus aprillis Norras!

10-17. aprill toimub koolitus Drammenis, Norras, mille teemaks on noorte tööpuudus, uute oskuste arendamine, osalus kodanikuühiskonnas ning kultuuride vaheline õpe. Kandideerima on oodatud töötud noored, noortejuhid ja noortega töötavad inimesed (18+), kõik kes tahavad parandada oma päedevusi antud valdkondades. Eesti osalejatele on 4 kohta. Koolitusel on Norra osalejate poolne osalustasu (50 €), mis arvestatakse maha tagasi saadavast reisikulude summast. Samuti tuleb ise alguses katta lennupiletid/rongipiletid, millest 70 % kompenseeritakse. Mis on hea, on see, et Norrasse lennata on odav - näiteks kui minna 9-18. aprill (oma kulul olla 2 ööd kauem), on piletid ryanairiga edasi-tagasi ca 55 € (omakulu 16,5 €), õigetel päevadel Estonian airiga otse Tallinnast on edasi-tagasi piletid ca 110 € (seega omakulu 33 €). Kandideerimiseks täida ära ANKEET enne 21.02.2014 (kaasa arvatud). 

Koolitus Gruusias mitteformaalsest õppest ja liidrioskuste arendamisest

10.-18. aprill toimub Kobuletis, Gruusias koolitus, mis on mõeldud tulevastele noortele liidritele, kes tahaksid tegutseda koolitajatena mitteformaalse õppe keskkonnas. Oodatud kandideerima on nii töötud noored, noortejuhid kui teised, kellele antud teema huvi pakub (18+). Koolitusel tõstetakse osalejate teadlikkust mitteformaalsest õppest ja selle meetoditest, koolitaja oskustest ja vabatahtliku töö põhimõtetest. Eesti osalejatele on 2 kohta. Osalemine koolitusel on tasuta (majutus, toit, tegevused), ise tuleb alguses osta lennukipiletid, millest 70 % saab tagasi (hetkel on piletid Gruusiasse ca 300 €, seega omakulu on ca 90 €). Kandideerimiseks täida ära ANKEET enne 20.02.2014 (kaasa arvatud). 

Noortevahetus Gruusias keskkonna teadlikkusest

10.-17. aprill toimub Kobuletis, Gruusias noortevahetus, mille teemaks on keskkonna alane teadlikkus ja kultuuride vaheline õpe. Eesti osalejatele on 4 kohta (vanus 18-25). Kohal on lisaks Eestile osalejad Armeeniast, Bulgaariast, Itaaliast, Moldovast, Poolast, Rumeeniast, Türgist, Ukrainast ja Gruusiast. Osalemine noortevahetuses on tasuta (majutus, toit, tegevused), ise tuleb alguses osta piletid, millest 70 % saab tagasi. Piletid Gruusiasse maksavad ca 300 €, seega omakulu on umbes 90 €. Kandideerimiseks täida ära ANKEET enne 20.02.2014 (kaasa arvatud). 

Euroopa koolitajate seminar Hispaanias!

13.-19. märts toimub Salamancas, Hispaanias seminar koolitajatele. Eesti osalejatele on 1 koht. Koolitus on mõeldud eelkõige koolitajatele, kes tahavad kogemusi vahetada teiste Euroopa koolitajatega või luua uusi partnerlusi Erasmus + programmi raames. Seminaril on Hispaania korraldajate poolne osalustasu 40 €, lisaks tuleb ise katta 30 % reisikuludest. Muu (seminar, toit, majutus) on tasuta.

Kandideeri kuni 17.02.2014 siin:

Kokkuvõte inglise keeles: 

This seminar is an opportunity for trainers / facilitators to meet, share, discuss and evaluate the work done / been made, both locally and on a national and international context. We will evaluate Youth in Action, and get ready for new Erasmus+.

This seminar to be held in Salamanca with the name "SEOT: Seminar of European Trainers", is as its name suggests, a meeting of trainers active at European level in non-formal education activities, and especially those related to the now finished Youth in Action program.
Its main aim is to offer participants a space for meeting and sharing, as well as to discuss and evaluate the work done / been made as trainers / facilitators, both locally and on a national and international context.
Therefore the specific objectives of the seminar are:
- To exchange good practices (and bad practices to avoid them) on the work developed in activities with non formal education and youth people.
- To evaluate our development as trainers and the competences acquired / developed.
- To reflect on the impact of the Youth in Action program, especially the training and non-formal education activities in young Europeans.
- To evaluate the Youth in Action program in the area of training and networking.
- To discuss the new program Erasmus+ (Youth part) and make recommendations in the field of training that can improve the quality in future activities.
- To establish collaborative networks and propose possible future projects.
- To exchange tools and processes to foster improvement in the quality of the next Erasmus+ projects.

This is a 7-days seminar (including travel days) (from Thursday to Wednesday) for participants and team from 22 different countries (Albania, Azerbayan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Spain, Estonia, Greece, Netherlands, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukrania).
The profile asked for the participants, is:
Group leaders, young or youth worker, all with experience as trainers or facilitators.

The methods that will be used are those of non-formal education, where learning is participatory and is student-centered and based on experience.

14 veebruar 2014

Noortevahetus Rumeenias 20-29. märts

20-29. märts toimub Poiana Negris, Rumeenias noortevahetus, mille teemaks on maapiirkondade väärtustamine ja kultuuride vaheline dialoog, ning neid teemasid uuritakse läbi fotograafia ja videode tegemise. Eesti osalejatele on 7 kohta - osalema on oodatud noored vanuses 18-25 (6 kohta) ja grupijuht vanusepiiranguta. Osalemiseks pole varasemat kogemust vaja. Peale Eesti on kohal veel osalejad Itaaliast, Hispaaniast, Horvaatiast, Poolast ja Rumeeniast. Projektis osalemine on tasuta (tasuta majutus, toit, tegevused), ise tuleb alguses osta lennukipiletid, mille eest 70 % saab tagasi (piletid maksavad ca 300 €, seega omakulu on 90 €). Kandideerimiseks täida ära ANKEET 17.02.2014ks (kaasa arvatud). 

Kokkuvõte inglise keeles:
This multilateral 1.1 youth exchange called „Village in a Puzzle” will be organized in a beautiful and quite isolated rural area from the North of Romania, away from big cities and closer to old traditions and legends. During 10 days, 44 young people from 6 different programme countries, with an interest in the main topic of the exchange, the rural space seen through the eyes of young people in today’s society, will exchange opinions, interact, share and gain more knowledge.

They will discover traditions and values from the Romanian rural society, while at the same time comparing what they learn with their experiences back home. Also, they will be looking at the differences between rural and urban areas, discussing disadvantages of life “in the country-side”.

Its main objectives are:

- Stimulating young people to understand better the issues of the poverty matter that is affecting the rural space and how are European Union member countries dealing with this problem, through the use of European Citizenship as key-concept.

- Facilitating intercultural dialogue between 44 European youngsters from 6 different countries, using non-formal methods of education, with a special focus on national rural traditions and customs.

- Organizing a public presentation of relevant photos taken by the young participants during the exchange, photos that will reflect the rural life in Romania as seen through the eyes of a foreigner. Each participant in this way will be able to present its own vision based on personal past experiences.

- Organizing a public presentation of amateur videos made by the young participants that will reflect the rural life in Romania, again seen through the eyes of a foreigner. Compared to the photo presentation, videos can generate a much higher impact and can recreate and transmit better the feelings which the author had;

- Multiplication of the presentations mentioned above into the local communities of the partners involved, in order to share realities and exchange experiences.

“Village in a Puzzle” takes place between 20 and 29 March 2014 and gathers a total of 44 participants from Italy, Spain, Estonia, Croatia, Poland and Romania. As previously stated, activities will be highly interactive, based on non-formal education methods, and consist of team-building games, outdoor discovery games, photo and video workshops, artistic presentations, brainstorming, sessions for debates, cultural nights, etc.