Veel projektist:
Different kinds of abuses along with more banal injustices, like slapping a girlfriend or paying women less for their work, arise out of a social context in which women are, often, second-class citizens. That’s a context that our societies have helped shape, and not pushed hard to change. Women are prevented from playing a full and equal role in many fields, creating an environment in which violations against women are justified. The belief that women are inferior human beings gives excuses to the brutal husband who beats his wife, the soldier who rapes a woman, the employer who has a lower pay scale for women employees, or parents who decide to abort a female embryo. Starting from infancy, girls face worse treatment than boys in such forms as selective malnutrition and denial of equal access to education and health services. We will not succeed in changing this reality we’re facing if we do not support women in fighting for their rights for which all of us as young people and youth ngo’s have a part to play in creating a more equal and just world and help these goals to be achieved.
This is why gender equality and is key focus of our youth exchange so that we make a change starting from the ground level by giving skills to youngsters that can spread their knowledge to the real people that are usually left out from all the big policies and empower the right beneficiaries: women. This project also aims to raise the awareness among the participants and the local population about the need for active participation of women in all levels and active public life. Therefore the project will include workshops centred on ways to promote empowerment on women on all levels as a social and political agenda.
This project will be held in Krusevo, Macedonia, between 22 and 29 April 2014 and it will feature 41 participants from Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, United Kingdom, Romania, Italy, Estonia and Turkey.
This is why gender equality and is key focus of our youth exchange so that we make a change starting from the ground level by giving skills to youngsters that can spread their knowledge to the real people that are usually left out from all the big policies and empower the right beneficiaries: women. This project also aims to raise the awareness among the participants and the local population about the need for active participation of women in all levels and active public life. Therefore the project will include workshops centred on ways to promote empowerment on women on all levels as a social and political agenda.
This project will be held in Krusevo, Macedonia, between 22 and 29 April 2014 and it will feature 41 participants from Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, United Kingdom, Romania, Italy, Estonia and Turkey.