Projekti kirjeldus:
The nature reserve ‘Rinella’ is the place open to those who has a
passion for nature and who wishes to make nature sustaininable. People visit the
nature reserve to gather more energy/ power to fight daily stress and matters,
to refresh their minds and get rid of the stress from the whole body. The main
idea behind this created project, is to encourage young people to become active
citizens in their community, to get them
involved in the protection of green areas, to become part of local society and
to be a model example for any youth living in the same region. Moreover it
gives them the opportunity in acquriering new knowledge and exprience in sustainable
organic farming which will make their value on the labour market higher and
increase the possibility to find a future job.
We believe that nature makes all people around the world peaceful,
therefore the nature reserve is the right place to build mutual understanding
and tolerance between different youth representing various culture habits and
Through the cooperation between other European organizations involved in
volunteering we will visualize the European cooperation in youth field and get
over more activitites for volunteers. Due to the fact that in this nature
reserve each year a number of interns and volunteers are coming from different
Universities, shools and other youth organization, our promotion of European
cooperation in youth field is more than visiable.
The participation of young people will be the foundation of the project,
as well as the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. While volunteering,
youth will develop or improve their competence, increase the value on the
labour market and bring experience which they can utilize in future personal or
working life.
To have the volunteers comming from a less privileged economic and
cultural background will bring a challenge to our organization and assist to gain knowledge and experince,
which would be shared between the participants and our members, during
volunteering time.
To follow the annual priorities in the proposing project we will prepare a number of trainings and
practical workshops to develop and improve volunteer’s competences for
personal,social and professional development, in order to support their
creativity and intiatives in selfemployment and entreprenurship.
Considering the second annual priority on unemployed people will have
equal access to the project to stimulate their domestic unemployment and to
enhance the mobility of young unemployed people and get them actively involved
in society.
Through the volunteering in a nature reserve, young people will develop
environmental manners and attitudes towards nature, as well as raise the
youngester’s awareness and mobilization around global environmental challenges
and climate changes.
Projekt toimub ajavahemikus 01.09.2014 - 31.12.2014 (võimalik, et projekti kuupäevad nihkuvad ka paar päeva) Maltal, Rinella reservis. Vabatahtlik töö toimub ca 30 tundi nädalas, töötatakse loodusreservis, ning küllaltki palju on ka füüsilist tööd. Vabatahtlikule on tasuta majutus ja toit, kuid kuna tegu on vabatahtliku tööga, siis palka ei saa. See-eest saab vabatahtlik taskuraha iga kuu 95 €. Samuti on kaetud 90 % lennupiletite hinnast sinna ja tagasi. Elatakse koos teiste vabatahtlikega. Vabatahtlikule on ka tasuta inglise keele kursused.
Projektist võivad osa võtta vaid vabatahtlikud, kes enne pole osalenud pikaajalises Euroopa vabatahtliku teenistuse programmis (rohkem kui 2 kuud).
Valituks osutumise korral on kohustuslik osaleda pre-departure koolitusel, mida korraldab Euroopa Noored Eesti büroo (30.-31. august) ning Seiklejate Vennaskonna poolsel ettevalmistusel.
Kandideerimiseks tuleb saata oma CV ja motivatsioonikiri (inglise keeles) aadressile 10.08ks (kaasa arvatud). Failid peaksid olema nimetatud kujul "eesnimi+perekonnanimi+CV/MOT".
Küsimused palun postitada siia kommentaaridena. Varasemalt on samas projektis osalenud ka Eesti vabatahtlik, kes saab huvilistega oma kogemust jagada.