Seiklejate Vennaskond on noorteorganisatsioon, mis loodi mitteformaalsel kujul juba aastal 2003, praeguseks on tegu MTÜ-ga. Aastatel 2004-2015 oleme korraldanud üheksa noortevahetust ja kaheksa koolitust Eestis ja viinud läbi mitmeid kohalikke üritusi. Oleme üks Eesti suurimaid saatvaid organisatsioone, saates aastas sadu noori ja noortega töötavaid inimesi noortevahetustesse ja koolitustele. Samuti oleme saatev organisatsioon EVS vabatahtlikele, meil on projekte nii Euroopas, Aasias kui Aafrikas.

15 märts 2013

Õppevisiit Moldovas

16-23. aprill toimub Moldovas õppevisiit, kus tutvutakse kohaliku noorsootööga ning planeeritakse uusi koostööprojekte. Külastatakse erinevaid piirkondi, s.h. ka Transnistriat. Oodatud on kandideerima noortega töötavad inimsed - noortejuhid, noosootöötajad (18 +), kellele pakub huvi arendada koostööd Moldova organisatsioonidega. Eesti osalejatele on kaks kohta. Kohapeal on tegevused, majutus ja toit tasuta, ise tuleb katta reisikulud, millest saab 70 % tagasi ja kindlustus. 

Projekti kokkuvõte:

Study Visit “Bunica Beats the Drum” will run between 16-23 April, 2013 in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova. The Visit will give the possibility to 30 youth workers coming from Programme countries and EECA region to get familiar with the reality of rural youth work in Republic of Moldova and to meet the youth policy stakeholders. The Study Visit aims to raise awareness of the youth work in rural area by exploring the challenges and strengths and to promote the involvement of rural youth into international projects, specifically Youth in Action.
Annual statistics done by SALTO EECA RC regarding the involvement of youth organizations by countries into Youth in Action Programme shows that Moldova is on the bottom of the list, the reasons being either the lack of information about the YiA programme in the country or the lack of motivation of European organizations to cooperate with Moldavian institutions. In this sense the visit will promote Youth in Action programme in countryside by visiting different rural youth organizations and will promote the European cooperation by establishing partnerships for future cooperation.
As a result we want to raise the value of rural youth organizations and to get them involved into international youth work, to promote Youth in Action programme and the cooperation with Moldavian organizations. 

1.Get to know realities of youth work in rural area in Moldova;
2.To discover how youth policy and youth work in Moldova are organized;
3.To share European Experience and contribute to improvement of youth work and youth policy implementation
4.To foster sustainable international cooperation between participants’ organizations in frames of Youth in Action programme;
5.To elaborate ideas for new projects and initiatives to be organized by the participants of the study visit afterwards.

Kandideerimiseks lae alla taotlusvorm:  ja saada see 20.märtsiks aadressile Valitud osalejaid teavitame 5 päeva jooksul. 

Kuueks kuuks vabatahtlikuks Bulgaariasse - juba toetust saanud projekt!

Otsime ühte Eesti noort, keda saata kuueks kuuks (01.06-01.12.2013) vabatahtlikuks Bulgaariasse, projekti mille teemaks on noorte kaasamine vabatahtlikku töösse ja kultuuri toetavatesse tegevustesse. Projekt on juba rahastust saanud (st. kui osutud valituks on minek 100 % kindel!). Vabatahtliku töö leiab aset Karlovo linnas, mis on väike linn Kesk-Bulgaarias mägede jalamil. Vanusepiiriks on 18-30 aastat. Elamine, toit, kohapealne transport, kindlustus, erinevad koolitused ja keelekursused on vabatahtliku jaoks tasuta. Vabatahtlikul tuleb alguses ise osta piletid, millest hüvitatakse 90 %. 

Projekti kokkuvõte inglise keeles:

Under the long term EVS project “Socio-culturalise me!” “Youth and Civil Initiatives in the Rose Valley” NGO will host two volunteers – one from Poland and one from Estonia. Their sending organisations are: “Robert Shouman” Foundation, Poland and Seiklejate Vennaskond Estonia. One of the volunteers will help the activities of the Youth Information Centre and the Centre for social support and the other volunteer will help the daily cultural activities of the local cultural institutions such as the Community Centre, the local museums and galleries. The main objective of our project is to foster active youth involvement and volunteerism in different socio-cultural activities which will also help for the development of the children and young people beneficiaries of the Centre for Social Support. We expect the volunteers to initiate different activities and workshops in which to give a chance for disabled children to build new skills and help them feel equal to their peers. Among the main project activities are: organising initiatives related to the work of the Youth Information centre, further developing the clubs in the centre – “ Eco Club”, Club “Debates” and “Gender equality “ Club; working with youth and children for their personal development; organising interest-groups in the local library; organising local initiatives and projects; offering help to the local cultural institutions for the development of new projects with innovative methods and fresh youth ideas; organising intercultural events, including the children attending the Centre for Social Support and the other social institutioons the volunteers will work every month as well as their peers from the local schools. All these activities will contribute to fostering intercultural dialogue, tolerance and mutual understanding among young people from different ethnical, religious, social and economical background and will foster volunteerism.

Organisatsiooni akrediteeringu link EVS andmebaasis:

Kandideerimiseks saada oma inglise keelne motivatsioonikiri ja CV 20. märtsiks aadressile:

Noortevahetus Sloveenias

Maribor, Sloveenia
20.-28. aprill toimub Sloveenias, Rušes (Maribori lähedal) noortevahetus, mille teemaks on  sport, tervislikud eluviisid ja Euroopa mitmekesisus. Kohal on noored Eestist, Sloveeniast, Rumeeniast, Maltalt, Itaaliast ja Bulgaariast. Eesti osalejatele on 6 kohta (vanuses 16-25 + grupijuht vanusepiiranguta). Kohapeale majutus, toit ja tegevused on tasuta, ise tuleb osalejatel katta transpordikulud, millest saab 70 % tagasi ning lisaks reisikindlustus. Hetkel on pilethinnad ca 400 eurot edasi-tagasi. 


Imagine summer, sun. Imagine a group of young people from different countries. Imagine nature, fresh air. And do you remember games without boarders? The European show that was airing in different television stations all over Europe when most of us were growing up (a hint: Can you picture yourself how it would be to spend a week of springs in a small but diverse country called Slovenia, playing fun games like those? On water, mountains, courtyards, forests, rivers … And by that exchanging different cultural practices, learning team work, trust, all about healthy spirit in healthy body and many more just trough learning by doing technique? All that and more we are preparing for you at the end of April this year. With some games and evening program taking place in a small town Ruše, just a few kilometers out of city center of Maribor, some in sport centers of Maribor like Pohorje, Drava center and many more we are confident about offering you a diverse, educational and practical exchange that will bring all the nationalities participating closer together.
The project will take place in Ruše, Maribor between 20th and 28th of April 2013 where 38 young people from 6 different countries will enjoy the first spring sun, fresh air and everything that Slovenian nature has to offer. Participants will learn about healthy lifestyle, how to spend their free time in a more healthy and active way and also how to have fun outside instead of spending the whole day in front of a computer. Alongside they will be exchanging different cultural practices through the games each participating country will prepare. In all the activities (workshops, lectures, fun games) they will be learning about:
- different techniques of sports
- ‘Games without boarders’ through simulation
- healthy lifestyle
- European participation and human rights
- group dynamics & team building through sports

Kandideerimiseks lae alla taotlusvorm siit: ja saada see 20. märtsiks aadressile Valitud osalejaid teavitame viie päeva jooksul kirjalikult e-maili teel. Eesti osalejatele toimub ettevalmistav kohtumine enne projekti.