Seiklejate Vennaskond on noorteorganisatsioon, mis loodi mitteformaalsel kujul juba aastal 2003, praeguseks on tegu MTÜ-ga. Aastatel 2004-2015 oleme korraldanud üheksa noortevahetust ja kaheksa koolitust Eestis ja viinud läbi mitmeid kohalikke üritusi. Oleme üks Eesti suurimaid saatvaid organisatsioone, saates aastas sadu noori ja noortega töötavaid inimesi noortevahetustesse ja koolitustele. Samuti oleme saatev organisatsioon EVS vabatahtlikele, meil on projekte nii Euroopas, Aasias kui Aafrikas.

26 juuni 2013

Partnerlusseminar Inglismaal

1-8. august toimub Inglismaal partnerlusseminar "Rural and Women Entrepreneurship" mille eesmärgiks on toetada kogemuste jagamist ettevõtluse toetamiseks maapiirkondades ja eelkõige naiste seas. Projektiga soovitakse luua uusi partnerlusi ja algatada uusi ettevõtmisi maapiirkondades. Kandideerima on oodatud noortejuhid ja noorsootöötajad vanuses 18+. Eesti osalejatele on 3 kohta. Valituks osutumisel on kohapeal tasuta majutus, toit ja seminar, kuid Inglismaa korraldajad (mitte Eesti pool) on seadnud osalustasu 50 € (NB! Vähenes 30 € peale), sest seal on väga kallis korraldada seminari. Teatud juhtudel on võimalik, et see tasu ka väheneb. Alguses tuleb samuti osalejatel osta lennukipiletid, millest korraldajad tagastavad 70 % kuludokumentide alusel. Kõige lihtsam on kohale saada lennates Riiast, kust on otselennud East Midlands lennujaama (ca 200 € edasi-tagasi). Umbes sama või veidi kallim hind tuleb ka kui  lennata Londonisse ja sealt bussiga. Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see aadressile: Kandideerimine kestab kuni kohad on täidetud. Osalejad leitud!

Veel infot:

The PBA “Rural and Women Entrepreneurship” aims to empower rural and women entrepreneurship by offering a space for skills development in the domain, share of good experiences and set up pilot projects and partnerships among different organizations coming from rural area. Participants will get familiar with European rural reality and will explore the similarities and differences of participating countryside and deprived areas. They will share the social problems of their community, and will find out how other countries are dealing with them in particular using the concept of social entrepreneurship.

The project is coming together to mobilize the potential productivity of rural people, especially of women, who can contribute to economic growth and globalization. Women's role, productivity and equality will be explored in the context of entrepreneurship and employment.

The PBA will inform participants about the possibilities offered by Youth in Action programme and other European institutions supporting youth initiatives, involvement and development of rural youngsters.

The project will run between 1-8 August 2013  in Loughborough, UK as a result of co-operation among 10 organizations from Programme Countries (the UK, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Greece, Romania, Estonia, Norway, Hungary and Poland).  

 About half of the planet’s population are poor, living on less than two dollars a day, and 75 per cent of the world’s poor live in rural areas. Because of not enough opportunities provided to sustain their lives, a large number of rural people are migrating to overcrowded cities with a better economic situation. The migration aspect is giving birth to many social problems such as unbalanced families, social orphan children and desperate youth.  Women and girls in the aforementioned situation are placed in the group of risk and because of their vulnerability the women trafficking and exploitation is a well-known term. Especially in rural areas women assume multi-faceted roles in society, as breadwinner of a family, unpaid family workers, service providers in the communities and mother/care-taker of the family. Be it in rural or urban areas, be it in micro or medium and large enterprises, women must be an integral part of development, not only as beneficiaries, but also as decision–makers and agents of change. Rural development and gender equality are key elements of strategies to reduce poverty and create income and employment opportunities.

The PBA has the following objectives:

- Share rural reality of the participating countries alongside the share of good experience in terms of women's involvement in economic growth.
- Develop human capacities that will encourage and support entrepreneurship initiatives of rural people and women
- Promote and develop the understanding of gender equality in the employment and market sector
- Introduce Youth in Action programme and Promote rural youth co-operation
- Develop pilot projects aiming to solve rural social needs through youth projects and entrepreneurial initiatives.

The seminar will be held in Loughborough in July 2013 and will involve 30 participants from 10 European countries.

Noortevahetus Portugalis

Lissabon, Portugal
28. juuli - 4. august toimub Lissabonis, Portugalis noortevahetus "Aim High, Choose Healthy!" mille teemaks on tervislikud eluviisid ja noorte aktiivne osalus ühiskonnas. Eesti osalejatele on 5 kohta: osaleda saavad 4 noort vanuses 18-25 ja 1 grupijuht (vanusepiiranguta). Projektis osalemine on tasuta (majutus, toit, kohapealsed tegevused), ise tuleb alguses osta piletid, millest hiljem 70 % saab tagasi. Portugali lennata on küllaltki kallis, hetke piletid maksavad ca 400 €.  Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 3. juuliks (kaasa arvatud) aadressile  Ankeedi nimeks ja e-maili pealkirjaks pane oma nimi + Portugal. Enne minekut toimub ettevalmistav kohtumine Eesti osalejatele, millel tuleb kindlasti osaleda.

Rohkem infot: 
The main Objectives of youth exchange are:
• to promote healthy behaviors among youth in simple day-to-day tasks,
• increase their awareness about nutrition and physical activity as elements for “healthy living”, while
broadening their views on all cultural aspects related to that concept.
• debate and work together in an intercultural environment, with the use of non-formal education methods.
• exercise active citizenship and participatory skills

- practical workshops on “improving your diet”
- outdoors practice of sports such as Parkour (“the art of movement”)
- intense mixed group work on important European discussions on the topic of “healthy living”
- virtual visit to a supermarket
- intercultural performances through cooking own “cultural diets” and presenting own country
- yoga, fun and games

All these activities and methods will stimulate self-reflection and empower youngsters to make an individual plan to improve theirs and local communities’ life style.

25 participants from 5 countries: Portugal. Italy, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Estonia and Ukraine.
Each Sending Organization should send 1 group leader and a group of 4 participants
(5 participants in total x country).

We are looking for participants who:
- are aged 18-25 years
- are interested in the theme of “healthy life style”
- can communicate in English
- fill in the Application form (will be sent later)
- will participate fully during the whole duration of the exchange

All groups are invited to prepare a creative presentation of what is the typical diet of a person in their country, what are the common stereotypes people have about their culture and what it really happens (are the people considered fat, beautiful, eat a lot, eat a lot of one type of food, like pasta, etc).

What is included in this YOUTH EXCHANGE:

All the expenses regarding board, accommodation and activities are fully covered.
Travel costs from home country to the venue will be covered in 70%.

Participants will be staying in multiple rooms of 4 beds divided by gender. The Youth Hostel is “Pousada da
Juventude de Parque das Nações” in Lisbon. There is internet connection and computers available in IPDJ installations inside the Youth Hostel.

The return trip to your Country should be realized within 3 days before or after the end of the Youth Exchange. In case of longer stays or flight destination in a Country different from the departure country, the travel will be not reimbursed. Travel must be done with the cheapest means available, in 2º class tickets and using mainly public transportation. Taxi expenses will not be reimbursed.


19 juuni 2013

Kiire! Koolitus EVS mentoritele Itaalias 23.-27. juuni

Viimasel hetkel on vabanenud koht koolitusele Itaalias, mille teemaks on mentorlus ja Euroopa vabatahtlik teenistus. Ootatud osalema on inimesed, kellel soov mentorina töötada ja huvi Euroopa vabatahtliku teenistuse vastu (näiteks soov ise minna EVS vabatahtlikuks ja hiljem kaasa lüüa ka mentorina). Koolitus toimub 23.-28. juuni Torri linnas, millele lähim lennujaam on Nice (2 tundi rongiga), Genoa (3 tundi rongiga) ja Milaano (5 tundi rongiga). Koolitus on tasuta (majutus, toit, koolitus), ise tuleb katta lennukipiletid, millest saab 70 % tagasi. Huvi korral võta ühendust: Osalemusvõimalus läheb kiiremale reageerijale.  

- to deepen knowledge about and reflect upon the concept of mentoring
- to connect personal experience of being a volunteer/a mentee with the concept of mentoring, and transform this experience into practical ideas
- to overview the tasks of an EVS mentor and learn practical ideas, tools and methods to be able to carry out these tasks efficiently
- to experiment with tools and methods which can be used by mentors
- to deeply understand and explore the EVS framework, seeing the restrictions and possibilities inherent in the structure (EVS as a process: before-during-after, separating the role of the mentor and that of other parties involved in an EVS project, priorities of the programme, inclusion issues, recognising key competences, Youthpass, etc.)
- to share experience, fears and doubts, just as well as good practices of mentoring; to word feelings and motivation
- to empower ‘beginner’ mentors to feel safe and competent, identifying the competences needed for a mentor, encouraging self-evaluation and the revision of strengths and weaknesses and offering resources to support further professional development
- to connect participants, creating a supporting “network of mentors” of them, which can be used also after the course

16 juuni 2013

Koolitus noorte tööhõivest Hispaanias

Madriid, Hispaania
17-23. juuli toimub Hispaanias, Madriidis koolitus "Ignorance is curable... Be Included!". Koolituse teemaks on noorte tööhõive ja vabatahtliku töö väärtustamine.   Koolitusele on oodatud kandideerima noortejuhid,  noorsootöötajad ja aktiivsed noored (18 +), kellele see teema huvi pakub. Projektis on 31 osalejat Euroopa Liidust ja Kagu-Euroopast. Eesti osalejatele on 3 kohta. Koolitusel osalemine on tasuta (majutus, toit, koolitus), ise tuleb alguses katta lennukipiletid, millest 70 % saab tagasi. Hetke seisuga on piletid ca 200 € (odavlennufirmaga, tavalennufirmaga kallimad) edasi-tagasi. Kandideerimiseks lae alla ankeet, täida ära, pane faili nimeks oma ees- ja perekonnanimi ja saada 20. juuniks aadressile:


In these complex times for Europe, youth employability is a vital concern as many countries are facing high youth unemployment rates. With this project we would like to respond to the current pressures and challenges of youth unemployment through reinforcing possibilities in the civil sector that offer self- empowerment of the young people through upgrading their skills, changing their expectations and offering possibilities for a pro- active approach through practical volunteering experiences.
This training aims to be a tool that will change and re-shape the perceptions of the young multipliers that will take part in order to improve the access and participation rates of young people in volunteering projects and community programs. Through volunteering, young people get the benefits of increasing their skills, upgrading knowledge and improving their position on the job market. Voluntary activity has many advantages for the unemployed young people- it can help keep them in touch with the labor market and It can offer opportunities to obtain skills and experiences that make moving into work easier. if this link between volunteering and employment is to be strengthened, voluntary organisations need more funding, jobseekers need more information, and we all need to understand how volunteering can help employability.
An accent will be put on the networking in order to follow- up with joined projects of exchange of volunteers and specific project ideas on how to undertake further specific steps in targeting youth employability. This training will offer specific jobsearch related workshops, project management sessions, YiA possibilities, Presentations of EVS and other volunteering programs, and networking and work on follow-up projects that target youth employability for 31 pax. On this training we will explore volunteering, internships and employment; the group will visit workplaces, meet with employers and share their experiences with the other participants.

Koolitus "I do not know, and I don't care" Hispaanias

8-15. juuli toimub Hispaanias, Madriidis koolitus inimkaubandusest ja sellega seotud ohtudest. Koolitusele on oodatud kandideerima noortejuhid ja noorsootöötajad (18 +), kellele see teema huvi pakub ning kes tahaksid oma teadmisi antud alal täiendada. Projektis osaleb 34 noortega töötavat inimest Euroopa Liidust, Ida-Euroopa ja Kaukaasia piirkonnast ja Kagu-Euroopast. Eesti osalejatele on 2 kohta. Koolitusel osalemine on tasuta (majutus, toit, koolitus), ise tuleb alguses katta lennukipiletid, millest 70 % saab tagasi. Hetke seisuga on piletid ca 260 € edasi-tagasi. Kandideerimiseks lae alla ankeet, täida ära, pane faili nimeks oma ees- ja perekonnanimi ja saada 20. juuniks (kaasa arvatud) aadressile:


The training course TC "I do not know, and I don't care" will take place in Madrid Spain, from to 08-15 of July 2013. Participation in this project will take 34 youth workers from 14 countries. The host organization of this training course is an ADEFIS.
The main aim of the training course is to provide a chance to young leaders and workers working especially with vulnerable groups as with youngsters facing social exclusion to increase their knowledge about human trafficking and violence as well as to share best practises and lessons learned with their colleagues. Moreover the training course will also focus on family violence and will try to ask question how family violence is influencing „supporting“ human trafficking. We will discuss the rights, responsibilities, the biggest sending regions and accepting countries and also ways of inclusion.
The training course will be based on non – formal learning and will include theoretical lectures, presentations, and discussions as team works in mix teams, role plays or art methods. The training course will connected youth leaders and workers coming from EU, SEE and Easter Europe and Caucasus region.