Seiklejate Vennaskond on noorteorganisatsioon, mis loodi mitteformaalsel kujul juba aastal 2003, praeguseks on tegu MTÜ-ga. Aastatel 2004-2015 oleme korraldanud üheksa noortevahetust ja kaheksa koolitust Eestis ja viinud läbi mitmeid kohalikke üritusi. Oleme üks Eesti suurimaid saatvaid organisatsioone, saates aastas sadu noori ja noortega töötavaid inimesi noortevahetustesse ja koolitustele. Samuti oleme saatev organisatsioon EVS vabatahtlikele, meil on projekte nii Euroopas, Aasias kui Aafrikas.

29 august 2013

Noortevahetus Bulgaarias noorte tööpuudusest

Primorsko linn
8-17. september toimub Primorskos, Bulgaarias noortevahetus, mille teemaks on noorte tööpuudus. Kandideerima on oodatud 18-25 aastased noored, kellele teema huvi pakub. Eesti noortele on 5 kohta. Kohapeal on kaetud kõik kulud programmi Euroopa Noored poolt (tasuta majutus, toit, kohapealne tegevus), ise tuleb alguses osta ära lennukipiletid, millest 70 % saab tagasi. Mõtekas on ilmselt lennata Riiast, kust piletid on hetkel 270 € (omakulu 81 €), Tallinnast minnes peab arvestama 450 euroga (omakulu 135 €). Osalemiseks kirjuta Hetke seisuga 30.08 on mitu vaba kohta!

Loe veel:

About the project:
The project “Joy Of Being Yourself” (JOB Yourself) will take place in holiday village “IYC”,
Primorsko for the period 08.09 -17.09.2013 (including the days for arrival and departure for
the participants). There will be participants from Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Romania and
Turkey. Each country (partner organization) will be represented by 4 participants aged
between 18 and 25 and their leader (no more than 30 years old) or a total of 25 participants.
The theme of the project is about the youth unemployment. Project main objectives are
the problems leading to youth unemployment to be found out and presented with the help
of various methods of non-formal education, and general recommendations for its
limitation to be deduced. The project is aimed at overcoming the fear of communication
and self-expression, improving of social and personal skills for teamwork, stimulating of
entrepreneurship, as well as increasing of self-knowledge. The following sub-objectives
should be taken into account:
1. To stimulate the participants to discover the fundamental hindrances for the youth to
start a job, as well as to discover the difficulties related to the working process.
2. To examine these obstacles and to help them identify ways to overcome them.
3. Building confidence in the youth who are about to enter or already have entered the
working environment and to discover how to develop their potential.
4. Identifying and evaluating the advantages of communicating without fear and team work
as a premise for successful professional and/or entrepreneurial career.
5. Showing the possibility for volunteer work which are made available by the European
programme "Youth in Action"
6. Identifying personal success in the context of the European citizenship.
The planned activities derive directly from the philosophy of the methods of non-formal
education. These activities would be:
- Interactive workshops;
- Role playing;
- Discussions;
- Multi-cultural dinners;
- Constant evaluation and reflection;
- Working in teams;
- Making short essays and presentations;
- Games which encourage the development of creativity;
- Round tables.

20 august 2013

Koolitus Rumeenias 6-13. oktoober

6-13. oktoober toimub Buzaus, Rumeenias koolitus, mille eesmärgiks on tutvustada sporti kui vahendit tervislike eluviiside toetamiseks. Kandideerima on oodatud aktiivsed noored, noortejuhid ja noortega töötavad inimesed vanuses 18+. Eestil on koolitusel üks koht, sest kohal on lausa 37 erinevat organisatsiooni. Valituks osutumise korral katab programm Euroopa Noored 100 % kohapealsetest kuludest (majutus, toit, koolitus), ise tuleb osalejal katta 30 % reisikuludest (hetkel on piletid Rumeeniasse on ca 300 €. seega 30 % on 90 €). Koolitusel ei ole osalustasu! Osalemiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see aadressile  31.08 seisuga on koht vaba!

Koolitus Gruusias soolisest võrdõiguslikkusest

22.-29. september toimub koolitus Kobuletis, Gruusias, mille teemaks on sooline võrdõiguslikkus. Koolitusel saavad noortejuhid täiendada oma teadmisi sellest, kuidas seista vastu soolisele diskrimineerimisele ja vägivallale. Kandideerima on oodatud noortejuhid, noorsootöötajad ja projektijuhid (18+), kellel on motivatsiooni antud teemaga tegeleda ka oma töös noortega. Eesti osalejatele on kolm kohta. Valituks osutumise korral katab programm Euroopa Noored 100 % kohapealsetest kuludest (majutus, toit, koolitus) ning 70 % reisikuludest (alguses tuleb osalejal pilet ise osta, korraldajad maksavad kuludokumentide alusel 70 % tagasi, hetkel on piletid Gruusiasse alates 300 €, seega omakulu on 90 €). Koolitusel osalustasu ei ole! Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see  Kandideerimine kestab kohtade täitumiseni! (03.09 seisuga vabad kohad). 

Loe veel:

We are organizing this project to help active young people (youth leaders) to become more gender-aware and sensitive to be able to detect situations and contexts where there are gender discrimination and violence and to take action to promote gender equality both locally, nationally as well as in international contexts. 
Contents of this non-formal training:
·         Developing awareness and understanding about various concepts related to gender issues, especially gender-based discrimination and violence
·         Discovering realities when it comes to gender inequalities in different countries
·         Discussing the “power” of youth work to promote gender equality at various contexts
·         Sharing and creation of tools to fight against gender-based discrimination and violence
·         Empowering participants to become active promoters of gender equality (“gender equality creators”)
·         Partnership building and common project ideas

The training will last for 7 days (excluding travel), include 30 participants that are motivated to explore gender equality issues from altogether 10 organizations in Programme countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Italy and Malta) and Eastern Europe and Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine and Moldova). 

Õppevisiit inimõigustest Armeeniasse!

7.-15. oktoober toimub Vanadzor'is, Armeenias õppevisiit inimõigustest Armeenias. Kandideerima on oodatud noortejuhid, noorsootöötajad ja projektikoordinaatorid, kellele pakuvad huvi inimõigused ja kes sooviksid sellel alal arendada koostööd Kaukaasia riikidega. Vanusepiiriks 18+.  Eesti osalejatele on kaks kohta. Valituks osutumise korral katab programm Euroopa Noored kõik kohapealsed kulud (söök, majutus, koolitus). Ise tuleb alguses osta lennukipiletid, millest saab 70 % tagasi. Hetkel on soodsaim variant lennata Tbilisisse, hinnaks 300 € seega omakulu on 90 €). Projektis osalustasu ei ole! Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 02.09.2013ks (kaasa arvatud) aadressile

Vaata päevakava siit:

Loe veel:

Project Description:
The study visit in Armenia is the third in a series of study visits in the Caucasus dedicated to discover the current social and economic situation of young people living in this part of the post-soviet world. After having looked at the voluntary sector in Georgia in 2011 and the challenges for young people in Ganja region in Azerbaijan in 2012, the third edition of “Discover the Caucasus” will focus on the human rights situation in Armenia.
Therefore, the study visit will feature meetings with various local NGOs in Vanadzor, Gyumri and Yerevan on different aspects of human rights such as gender equality, rights of sexual minorities, equal opportunities for marginalised youth, legal protection and advice for people in conflict with the law and peace-building.
Additionally, the participants will conduct interviews with local young people in each city to engage into a dialogue on their perception of the meaning and importance of human rights.
With this programme the study visit aims to get an insight into the human rights situation and the civil sector defending human rights in Armenia, to discover young peoples’ perception of human rights in Armenia and more generally in the EECA region, and to create new partnerships enhancing local capacities for human rights protection in Armenia and in EECA region.

• To get an insight into the human rights situation and the civil sector defending human rights in Armenia
• To discover young peoples’ perception of human rights in Armenia and more generally in the EECA region
• To create new partnerships enhancing local capacities for human rights protection in Armenia and in EECA region

• Human rights violations in Armenia
• Perception of human rights and their universality among local youth and human rights defenders
• Human rights protection measures of local NGOs
• Development of international cooperation projects on human rights protection and monitoring in the South Caucasus, specifically in Armenia

19 august 2013

Koolitus Hispaanias 1-9. oktoober

1.-9. oktoober toimub Madriidis, Hispaanias koolitus kommunikatsioonistrateegiatest kolmandas sektoris fookusega noorteorganisatsioonidel ja mittetulndusühingutel. Kandideerima on oodatud teemast huvitatud inimesed, vanusepiiriks 18+. Valituks osutumise korral katab programm Euroopa Noored kõik kohapealsed kulud (söök, majutus, koolitus). Ise tuleb alguses osta lennukipiletid, millest saab 70 % tagasi. Hetkel on Ryanairiga minnes piletid ca 160 € (ainult käsipagas 10 kg. Omakulu seega 48 €), tavalennufirmaga ca 250 € (äraantav pagas hinnas. Omakulu 75 €). Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see aadressile Hetkel on üks vaba koht (21.08), läheb kiiremale reageerijale! Valituks osutumise korral tuleb kohe olla valmis ka piletid ostma, sest sellega on kiire.

Loe lähemalt:
The "TC on communication strategies for civil society organization" aims at developing the quality of youth activities and capabilities of civil society organizations in the youth field for improving public relations considering volunteer projects with giving opportunity to participants for acquiring skills for further development of voluntary organizations. This training course aims at improvement of the participant’s competences, knowledge, skills and attitudes to higher quality practice in the youth field regarding working with volunteers. The main project objective is to develop an understanding of the nature of Marketing Management of NGOs and the role of practitioners when they are working with EVS volunteers , to recognize the key areas of Marketing Management of NGOs. The TC will be held in Madrid from 1-9 of October 2013 with participants from 15 countries from EU, SEE and EEC regions.

18 august 2013

Koolitus Sloveenias "Inclusion cocktail"

6.-15. september toimub Slovenj Gradecis, Sloveenias koolitus, mille teemaks on inimõiguste ja võrdsete võimaluste uurimine läbi teatrimeetodite. Eesti osalejatele on 3 kohta (vanus 18+). Osalemine koolitusel on tasuta (programmi Euroopa Noored poolt on kaetud majutus, toitlustus, koolituskulud) ning ise tuleb alguses osta piletid, millest 70 % saab tagasi. Hetke piletihinnad Tallinnast Viini on 280 € (omakulu 84 €), lisandub transfer Sloveeniasse. Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see aadressile Kandideerimine on pikendatud osalejate leidmiseni! Hetke seisuga (19.08) vabad kohad!

Rohkem infot:
"Inclusion Cocktail" is a training project for youth leaders and educators who would like to increase and expand their competencies and activities in the area of social inclusion through non-formal learning methods.

By using innovative and creative approaches to social inclusion education, the training  will approach "inclusion" through theatre methods and methods  of empathy, with the help of external experts who deal with special needs persons on a daily basis. Main outcome will be »Universal Design« for social inclusion which will be used in different countries through  knowledge participants will gain in this project.

AIMs of the TC:

Main aim of the training course is to develop skills and knowledge for youth leaders and trainers, who are involved in a work with social risk group youth, using non-formal methodology, based on social inclusion.
Increase awareness about human rights and social inclusion principles.
To analyze situation on inclusion in European context.
Sharing experience and develop knowledge about inclusion.
Get knows new methods and resources available on COMPASS and ALL TOGETHER.
Program Methods:

Program will start with getting know each other, ice-breaking. After we`ll have introduction in social inclusion, and each country will present situation about inclusion in their own countries.
Participants will have presentation about existing handbook on inclusion ALL TOGETHER, and also have space to try some of those methods in practice.
Work mainly is going to be in small groups and we will try to organize it in educational, but funny ways. We prepare for some simulation activities.
There will be outdoor activities. You can try in practice everything you learn before. Outdoor could be quit challenging, so prepare good and be ready for surprises! J


The training will last from 6th till 15th of September (excluding travel), include 32 participants from 9 countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, France, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland). It will be held in Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia.

06 august 2013

Noortevahetus Kobuletis, Gruusias

Must meri, hoopis sinine

30. august - 9. september toimub Kobuletis, Gruusias (musta mere rannikul) noortevahetus "Make it visible-Citizens...ACTION!". Projekti teemaks on kultuuride vaheline õpe ning seda uuritakse läbi lühifilmide tegemise. Eesti osalejatele on 6 kohta (5 osalejat vanuses 16-25, grupijuht vanusepiiranguta). Projektis osalemine on tasuta (majutus, toit, kohapealsed tegevused), ise tuleb alguses osta piletid, millest hiljem 70 % saab tagasi. Hetkel piletid maksavad ca 400 eurot Tallinnast, Riiast 300 €.  

Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 11. augustiks (kaasa arvatud) aadressile  Ankeedi nimeks ja e-maili pealkirjaks pane oma nimi + Gruusia.

The YE Make it visible- Citizens...”Action” was designed for multicultural learning through team-work. During the 10 days of the exchange, participants would have few practical lessons of creating and coining a short movie script, planning the scenes on paper, filming the designed scenes and the final editing of filmed material. However, that would only be the technical part of the youth exchange. The project team would encourage participants to come up with the ideas for filming – the theme of a movie is more valuable that the expensive equipment- as the rules of the film stands for. The themes we would like to convey to the participants would deal with the life of socially excluded groups in our country, right and also to talk about basic right of citizens in Europe. The project aim is: By designing and filming short films about this theme, participants would not only raise their awareness of the existence of these people and their every day lives but raise the awareness of government officials and EU official of the existence and lives of these groups living in our societies and the need for respecting and giving them their human rights. The short movies would be posted on each partner organization web-page, YouTube and personal blogs, FB groups, and would also be sent to European officials for letting them know how young people see this problem and encourage them to seek a solution that would not be only found on paper.

Noortevahetus Ungaris

24. august - 1. september toimub Cikolasziget's Ungaris noortevahetus "The World Somehow". Projekti teemaks on tervislikud eluviisid ja looduskaitse ning seda uuritakse läbi loovuse ja kunsti. Eesti osalejatele on 6 kohta (5 osalejat vanuses 17-25, grupijuht vanusepiiranguta). Projektis osalemine on tasuta (majutus, toit, kohapealsed tegevused), ise tuleb alguses osta piletid, millest hiljem 70 % saab tagasi. Hetkel piletid maksavad ca 250 € (lennata tuleb Viini, mis on lähim lennujaam).  Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 11. augustiks (kaasa arvatud) aadressile  Ankeedi nimeks ja e-maili pealkirjaks pane oma nimi + Ungari. 

Loe lähemalt: 

The World Somehow will take place in Cikolasziget, Hungary between 24th of August and 1st of September including the travelling days. It will involve 5 participants and 1 leader from each country: Czech Republic, Malta, Greece, Portugal, Estonia and Hungary. The target group is European youth between the age of 18-25 who are interested in the main topic of the exchange, which is nature protection, the importance of selective waste collecting, health and sports. This exchange is highly recommended for those who want to know more about artistic acts and who are trying to keep their life and their nature healthy.
Participants will get to know how important is nature and its protection in our lives and they will get to know why it is important to keep it clean. They will learn many creative ways for recycling and they will be taught how to make their surroundings friendlier with creative „up-cycled” materials. They will also learn how to make other kinds of equipment, such as musical instruments and costumes which they can use for their performances. Participants will get to know some great technics for doing performances and protests which can help them understand the view of the many Green Peace demonstrators. The participants will get an opportunity to discuss their own thoughts and opinion about the topic through the methods and techniques of non-formal education and through interactive activities.
We will have many creative workshops like photo, movie and theatre workshops, where participants will need to come up with their own ‘Green’ idea and realize it on their own or in little groups. We will have painting games, musical workshops and many more.
During this project we will get to know one another and ourselves better and will motivate others to be active part of the European society and act more actively. Through these days we will experience intercultural learning, such as national situations in different countries and national evenings. We will gain new competence and develop the existing ones as well.
We would like to interview youngsters and adults about the Hungarian situation through a survey which will be created on the exchange focusing on the most important questions according to the participants. We also would like to share the results of the survey and of the whole project with those who are not involved in it by using public manifestation.

Professional SALTO trainers will help out during the project along with the many participating members who already know a lot about this topic and our used methods.

Koolitus Aserbaidžaanis 27.08 -04.09

Pilt aastal 2010 toimunud Aserbaidžaani koolituselt
27.08 - 04.09 toimub Aserbaidžaanis koolitus noorsootöötajatele ja aktiivsetele noortele vanuses 18+. Koolituse teemaks on noorte elustandardi tõstmine ja võitlemine tööpuudusega. Eesti osalejatele on 2 kohta. Kohal on tervelt 14 riiki nii Euroopa Liidust kui Ida-Euroopast ja Kaukaasia piirkonnast.  Kohapealsed kulud (majutus, toit jne) on kaetud programmi Euroopa Noored poolt 100 %, ise tuleb osalejatel tasuda lennukipiletid, mille eest saab pärast 70 % tagasi. Aserbaidžaan asub peaaegu Aasias, seega tuleb arvestada, et piletid maksavad ca 400-500 €. Lisaks tuleb osalejatel katta 30 € osalustasu, mille on seadnud korraldajad, tuues välja, et muidu nad ei saa hakkama. Eesti kodanikul on vaja ka viisat, mille saab teha online või saatkonnas Tallinnas. Selleks on vaja kehtivat passi, kus ei tohi olla Armeenia viisat. Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see aadressile: 11.08-ks (kaasa arvatud).



Azerbaijan Democratic Student & Youth Organization (ADSAYO) was founded in 1995 as a social non-for-profit non-governmental organization of young people in Azerbaijan. As a national NGO, the ADSAYO activities cover all regions of the state.

Main goals of the ADSAYO:
• To promote values of democracy among youth of Azerbaijan
• To encourage youth participation and facilitate civil society building process in Azerbaijan
• To increase youth participation in human rights protection in Azerbaijan
• To advocate young people needs & interests (social, humanitarian, education, legal etc.) in Azerbaijan.

Within “TOGETHER FOR BETTER LIVING” international training & networking project Azerbaijan Democratic  Student & Youth Organization (ADSAYO) will host 28 youth activists and workers of 14 youth organizations from 12 European countries (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Romania, Italy, Moldova, Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey) for one-week training session in Masalli from 29 August to 03 September 2013 where the participants will learn & share their knowledge & experience of how to improve young people’s living and social participation by preventing unemployment & poverty. Through presenting their countries’ experience in youth unemployment & poverty prevention, contributing to the group work, learning new knowledge & skills delivered by trainers, the participants will exchange ideas about the concerned issues and get empowered to make a difference in their environment by supporting  young people in their countries to build a better life. The joint team work will underline youth European solidarity to the current challenges & cooperation to giving more opportunities for the young people to enable them for active social participation. Also the participants will arrange cultural events of presenting each European nation’s unique traditions, cuisine, folklore, music and languages.

Project objectives:

          To conduct an exchange of knowledge of youth employment in the European countries and share experience in improving opportunities for equal and active youth participation in social life
          To train youth activists with new knowledge and skills of working with local, national and European governmental and non-governmental institutions, and private business sector to empower them in supporting the young people to find more employment and income-generation opportunities
          To create a network of youth activists in Europe involved in youth unemployment and poverty prevention work
          To promote understanding of cultural diversity presented in Europe and European youth solidarity


The project's main agenda is to review youth unemployment & poverty in 12 European countries & trained youth activists to disclose every possible opportunity at local, national & international levels to find decent work for people or explore entrepreneurship opportunities for self income-generation of the young people. The event activities will include panel discussions, group works with follow-up presentations, role games and study visits.