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Must meri, hoopis sinine |
30. august - 9. september toimub Kobuletis, Gruusias (musta mere rannikul) noortevahetus "Make it visible-Citizens...ACTION!". Projekti teemaks on kultuuride vaheline õpe ning seda uuritakse läbi lühifilmide tegemise. Eesti osalejatele on 6 kohta (5 osalejat vanuses 16-25, grupijuht vanusepiiranguta). Projektis osalemine on tasuta (majutus, toit, kohapealsed tegevused), ise tuleb alguses osta piletid, millest hiljem 70 % saab tagasi. Hetkel piletid maksavad ca 400 eurot Tallinnast, Riiast 300 €.
Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 11. augustiks (kaasa arvatud) aadressile seiklejate.vennaskond@gmail.com. Ankeedi nimeks ja e-maili pealkirjaks pane oma nimi + Gruusia.
Kandideerimiseks lae alla ANKEET ja saada see 11. augustiks (kaasa arvatud) aadressile seiklejate.vennaskond@gmail.com. Ankeedi nimeks ja e-maili pealkirjaks pane oma nimi + Gruusia.
The YE Make it visible- Citizens...”Action” was designed for multicultural learning through team-work. During the 10 days of the exchange, participants would have few practical lessons of creating and coining a short movie script, planning the scenes on paper, filming the designed scenes and the final editing of filmed material. However, that would only be the technical part of the youth exchange. The project team would encourage participants to come up with the ideas for filming – the theme of a movie is more valuable that the expensive equipment- as the rules of the film stands for. The themes we would like to convey to the participants would deal with the life of socially excluded groups in our country, right and also to talk about basic right of citizens in Europe. The project aim is: By designing and filming short films about this theme, participants would not only raise their awareness of the existence of these people and their every day lives but raise the awareness of government officials and EU official of the existence and lives of these groups living in our societies and the need for respecting and giving them their human rights. The short movies would be posted on each partner organization web-page, YouTube and personal blogs, FB groups, and would also be sent to European officials for letting them know how young people see this problem and encourage them to seek a solution that would not be only found on paper.