Loe veel:
This project is part of the Youth in Action, Action 1.1 Youth Exchanges Europeans. The promoter group is Aljaraque Sociocultural Association in Action (Spain) and associated groups are of different rural and urban areas of Europe related to our town and the city of Huelva. The partner organizations involved in this project are: ComitatoGiovani di Serrenti (Italy), the association APYD of Craiova (Romania), Abaúj-Aszaló Youth Association (Hungary), and Seiklejate Vennaskond of Tartu (Estonia).
The multilateral youth exchange project "RURAL AND URBAN YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND CULTURAL" will be held in the municipality of Aljaraque, Huelva Province, during days 07 to 14 October 2013, where they will participate in total 30 young people, accompanied by a leader or country, aged 18 and 26, from Italy, Romania, Hungary, Estonia and Spain. It is considered as the beginning of a process of understanding and collaboration between young people from different countries of the EU, where different topics are going to work through non-formal education, to enhance respect for nature and the environment, promote through active leisure suit and the elimination of inactivity, promote the knowledge of other cultures and mutual understanding between them, sharing experiences, promote values of respect, tolerance, equality and solidarity, and social cohesion values European Union, facilitate the integration, inclusion and participation in this project people with fewer opportunities and risks of social exclusion, encouraging the development of social skills, personal and professional, and finally, try to create awareness among the participants about the knowledge of the benefits and rights that gives us active
European citizenship, as well as report on the functioning of the European Parliament elections as a way for democratic participation and active citizenship.