Hetkel (10.04.2014) on koolitusele kaks vaba kohta! Kuigi Ukrainas on hetkel keeruline olukord, siis korraldajad on kinnitanud, et koolituse toimumist see ei mõjuta ja koolituse toimumise koht on ohutu. Enne kandideerimist veendu, et sa oled kursis sellega, mis Ukrainas toimub, teadvustad võimalikke riske ning soovid sellele vaatamata osaleda :)
Veel koolitusest:
VOICES 2 is follow up project. This is a training course for youth workers, youth project managers and volunteers that will introduce them to the contexts, forms and tools of social media. Fundamentally changing world! We have to run only to stay on place! New tools to engage with individuals, communities, colleagues, partners, and the world at large are social medias. They become the way to inspire, educate and connect. Youth leaders will become familiar with a range of online communication tools. With their knowledge they will increase active participation and citizenship of young people, to foster inclusion, to achieve organizational goals and promote their causes. The knowledge acquired will be immediately applied as participants will develop a concrete social media strategy for their organizations or projects at the end of the course. The TC will be held in Odesa from with promoters from Ukraine, Armenia, Azarbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey.