Seiklejate Vennaskond on noorteorganisatsioon, mis loodi mitteformaalsel kujul juba aastal 2003, praeguseks on tegu MTÜ-ga. Aastatel 2004-2015 oleme korraldanud üheksa noortevahetust ja kaheksa koolitust Eestis ja viinud läbi mitmeid kohalikke üritusi. Oleme üks Eesti suurimaid saatvaid organisatsioone, saates aastas sadu noori ja noortega töötavaid inimesi noortevahetustesse ja koolitustele. Samuti oleme saatev organisatsioon EVS vabatahtlikele, meil on projekte nii Euroopas, Aasias kui Aafrikas.

08 aprill 2014

Õppevisiit Moldovas maapiirkondade ettevõtlusest

5.-12. mai toimub Chisinau's Moldovas õppevisiit, mille eesmärgiks on uurida, millised on uuenduslikud praktikad, et tegeleda ettevõtlusega maapiirkondades ja jagada häid praktikaid. Osalema on oodatud teemast huvitatud noored ja noortega töötavad inimesed (18+), kes tahaks ka ise midagi maapiirkonnas ette võtta. Eesti osalejatele on 3 kohta.  Kohal on osalejad Eestist, Gruusiast, Armeeniast, Belgiast, Valgevenest, Rumeeniast, Ukrainast, Horvaatiast, Poolast ja Moldovast. Osalemine õppevisiidil on tasuta (majutus, toit, tegevused), ise tuleb osalejatel maksta lennukipiletid, millest 70 % makstakse tagasi. Hetkel on piletid algusega Tallinnast ca 300 €, seega omakulu on umbes 90 €. Moldovasse reisimiseks on vajalik pass. Kandideerimiseks täida ära ANKEET.

Hetke seisuga (08.04) on veel kaks vaba kohta!

Veel infot:

Study Visit “Rural Development through entrepreneurship” aims to explore the possibilities of developing and running different kind of entrepreneurship activities in rural areas based on share of good experience and reality of the Republic of Moldova.  It is well known that the migration from rural to urban areas or to develop countries, special in EECEA region brought the fact that many of the villages remained populated only by old people and children.  The investments usually refers to the welfare of particular families and not to an entrepreneurship activity where the money can produce sources for community development and change the rural life into a prosper one.  Moldova is one of the countries famous for massive migration to European countries. While many citizens remained to work on the black market some of them turned back home and invested in their communities, these mainly referring to agriculture, social life and manufacturing.  We do believe that a Study Visit where young people can get acquainted with the successful examples of rural entrepreneurship, can raise the self-esteem of rural young people, stop the massive migration and motivate those who immigrated to invest in their community. The project is based on the share of good experience alongside the concrete information to be provided on how to develop an entrepreneurship activity, what are the needed resources for a good start, what kinds of European grants do support rural development and how to put the ideas into practice. The project  will deeply explore the topic of Global Warming and new technologies offered for ecological entrepreneurship.
The project is opened to 30 young people from 10 EU and EECA countries coming from rural or deprived areas that will be able to learn, share and implement entrepreneurial ideas when back home.