17.-26. oktoober toimub Quarnas, Itaalias noortevahetus, mille teemaks on muinasjutud. Oodatud on osalema noored, kellele pakub huvi uurida teemat läbi kunsti, muusika teatri ja video. Eesti osalejatele (vanus 18-25 ja grupijuht 18+) on 8 kohta. Lisaks Eesti osalejatele on kohal noored Rumeeniast, Ungarist ja Itaaliast. Kohapeal on tasuta majutus, toit ja tegevused. Reisikulud kaetakse kuni 170 € ulatuses. Odavaimad piletid Milanosse (algusega Riiast) on hetkel ca 180 € (lisandub transport Riiga ja lennujaamast Quarna (asukoht on väga lähedal Milanole).
Vaata projekti ajakava SIIT.
Kandideerimiseks täida ära ANKEET.
Tutvu Projektidesse mineja ABC -ga SIIN.
Projekti kokkuvõte inglise keeles:
This international youth exchange, will last from 17th to 26th of October 2014, in Omegna (Quarna Sotto), Italy. It will promote the exchange of fairy tales from the childhood of young people from 4 different european countries. The youth exchange program brings the educational and healing value of fairy tales and storytelling to the young peole and help them to confront on their cultural identity, and european common values. In fact a project dedicated to the legends will help the young people to understand the formation of the European Union and to demonstrate it in a very creative way.
Activities that will be used in the project will review the main concern of legends and fairy tales directly related to Europe.
In the described frame participants will confront on how fairy tales deliver messages of growth and transformation of their societies. Especially the young participants will look at how traditional stories can teach them how to overcome challenges and help them cope with their feelings and future challenges. In the frame of the project 28 young people and their leaders will creatively cooperate through story telling and will learn how to listen and develop empathy towards others. During 9 days of workshop, debates, games, artworks the young people will create an art exhibition (theatre, comics, video), which will enable participants and the public to reflect and learn more on community values promoted trough traditional and modern fairy tales. The final outcome will be a European fairy tale (a fictional legend, in which the main characters will be italian, Polish, etc.) as a vehicle for telling about traditional and modern values relevant for the present
and the future of the local and european communities.
At the end of the exchange the group wil present a final performance of the fairy tale at a local primary school in Omegna in front of school children and their parents and other members of the community.
Through the project activities participants will be introduced into the creativity by exploring the connection of the creative process (creativity mechanisms and phases), the creative person (traits and characteristics) and the creative product (practical application). They will learn about creative problem solving as a personal and leadership skill and the use of creativity to spread civic message in their local communities.
Majutus toimub hostelis, küllaltki suurtes (palju inimesi toas) tubades. Vajalik on kaasa võtta magamiskott ja käterätik.