Vaata Tallinn - Viin lennupiletite hindu SIIN. Lisanduvad kohalikud transpordikulud.
Tutvu projekti infopakiga SIIN.
Kandideerimiseks täida ära ANKEET 17. maiks 2015 (kaasa arvatud).
Enne kandideerimist veendu, et saad antud kuupäevadel osaleda ja ole valmis oma osalust kinnitama paari päeva jooksul (juhul kui osutud valituks).
Tutvu projektidesse mineja ABC -ga SIIN. Küsimused postita kommentaaridesse või facebooki.
NB! Projektis saad osaleda siis kui sa elad antud hetkel Eestis ja reisid projekti Eestist.
Kui kandideerid samaaegselt mitmesse projekti, too lisainfos välja oma esimene eelistus!
Praktika on näidanud, et copy-paste avaldused ei ole väga edukad :)
Projekti kokkuvõte:
The project is carried out by partners from 5 EU countries, Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania and Turkey will develop the cultural competences of the participants in order to extend them and increase their chances for working in today´s diverse and multicultural world. This project will also increase the youth workers´ awareness for understanding cultural diversity in a way of seeing it as a stimulus and positive incentive rather than discouragement and barrier to build a partnership.Projekti kokkuvõte:
The objectives of this project are:
1. Embedding the cultural diversity in youth work
- To identify own culture, which is formed by traditions, habits, values, history, family as a basic social unit etc. , and how it influences every single being´s personality and behaviour within a society
- To identify, compare and evaluate cultural diversity and multiculturalism
- To defend and make visible own culture and support cultural diversity with own personal experiences
- To build strong cross-cultural relationships among youth within the group
- To identify personal characteristics those are ‘visible’, ‘semi-visible’ and ‘not visible’
- to carry out a diversity assessment on the youth group or organization in order to develop and action plan basesd on identified gaps in their service
- to present practical ways to achieve new diversity tools and goals
2. Designing a programme of activities on cultural understanding
- to help participants devise a programme of activities to introduce the topic of cultural diversity and awareness into their youth groups
to outline the practical factors to be considered when working with culturally diverse youth groups 3. Exploring inclusive youth work
- to explain how to engage with minority ethnic and other minority groups in a youth work setting
- to help them identify and overcome barriers to involvement
- to introduce participants toange of resources and to provide them with practical tips on recruitment of young people and staff
- to understand inclusion and interculturalism in practice
4. Designing a session on interculturalism
- to explore and understand the methodologies required to address interculturalism and inclusion in a youth work setting.
- to develop practical skills to engage with young people in a culturally diverse setting
- to learn to plan and eliver their own session on interculturalism and inclusion
- to understand and reflect on their own culture
- to look at culture and minority experiences and how they affect communication, relationships and youth work;
- to develop the skills to work more effectively with diverse groups of young people;
- to gain more experience to challenge myths about diversity;
- to explain the meaning of interculturalism vs multiculturalism, and understand the youth leader's role in promoting and ensuring inclusive youth work environments;
- to plan for and present a taster session on interculturalism and inclusion for a youth group;
- to evise a programme of activities on the topic of cultural diversity and awareness for youth groups.
5. Tackling racism, homobhobia and sexism
- to introduce the theory of racism, sexism and homophobia
- to understand stereotypes and prejudices, different types of discrimination and how to identify and tackle incidents
- to provide participants with skills and resources for doing anti-dscrimination activities in youth work setting and introduce practial strategies for managing conflict
- to learn to help young people to reflect on and understand the source of their attitudes and prejudices.
- to learn how to make your youth service/ centre safe for minority young people (policies, procedures, programmes & physical environment)
6. Supporting youth work for doing intercultural youth work
- to learn how to plan effective and sustainable intercultural youth programmes
- to be able to address the issues of cross-cultural communication
- to identify resources for working with culturally diverse yount people
- to understand the needs of young people from a minority ethnic background in relation to youth work
7. Increase the intercultural awareness and cultural competency
- to identify differing cultural ways of working and communicating
8. Develop diversity policy and implementation plan
- to explore and understand different policy models
- to learn how to fill organisational practices to policy templates
- to develop skills to engage with youth people in multi-ethnic setting
- to develop skills to assist youth people to reflect on their attitudes to racism and to challenge racist practices