Grupijuhil tuleb osaleda ka ettevalmistaval kohtumisel Palermos 3.-6. oktoober. Rohkem infot grupijuhi rolli kohta on saadaval projektidesse mineja ABC-s.
Kandideerimiseks täida ära ANKEET 12. septembriks 2015 (kaasa arvatud). Enne kandideerimist veendu, et saad antud kuupäevadel osaleda ja ole valmis oma osalust kinnitama paari päeva jooksul (juhul kui osutud valituks).
Tutvu projektidesse mineja ABC-ga SIIN. Küsimused postita kommentaaridesse või facebooki.
NB! Projektis saad osaleda, kui sa elad antud hetkel Eestis ja reisid projekti Eestist.
Projekti kokkuvõte inglise keeles:
Projekti kokkuvõte inglise keeles:
The project "Stars Children - A way for the Recycle" with its title refers to what we are as humans: we are children of the stars, we are all created by the same stellar explosion, we are "precious junk" stellar.
This Youth Exchange is developed for reviewing together through activities and workshops, this aspect of our reality to break down the borders within Europe, to create active citizenship and to break down stereotypes. We will focus on the sky and its secrets. We will dive into the depths of the universe trying to understand the movements among it. We will go to the Observatory of Ventimiglia to enjoy the view of celestial bodies than "wander" in infinite space.
The main goal of the project is to create union between young Europeans who otherwise would have no way of even knowing each other, and then to build a collaboration between them in order to discover together how are lives are conditioned by the explosion of these supernonae: we are created by an astronomical event and we want to create a civil society where prejudice, violence and war don't take place.
So, the objectives are active citienship, cross-cultural relation within the EU, waste recycling, respect for the environment, cooperation between the peoples of Europe, elimination of the prejudices, development of the concept of a united Europe and finally enhancement of European motto "United in diversity".