The participants number is planned to be between 50-100. Partially we are
going to cover the summer days fees, but we would also like for you to pay a
little amount (the fee is used to cover food costs). Per
person it will cost 27 euros (3 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 3 dinners + camping with
your own tent for three nights) or 55 euros (3 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 3 dinners
+ a place in a room with 2-8 people for three nights), and the last option is available until beds are full, so be fast!
Free canoe trip for 30 fastest ones who register (still places available!).
The arrival will be on the evening of 30th of June and the
leaving the morning of the 3rd of July. We are planning to organise a
variety of activities and the participants can choose whether they want to
participate or they will just prefer chilling in the sun and enjoying good company.
There is sporting opportunities on the spot (like basketball and volleyball), a
big pond and a sauna (which we'll make every night).
Get a glimpse into the planned activities:
A variety of practical workshops (for example writing
projects, Erasmus+ programme, „how to find plane
tickets“, international opportunities and more)
– Participants will tell stories about their
international projects: the worst youth exchanges, life changing magic of
volunteering and useful training
Team competitions, orienteering and other games
Trying new things: zorbing
You can register HERE! The dates are certain! Sign
up :)
Add attend in facebook and invite your friends, too: https://www.facebook.com/events/260507401078181/
Add attend in facebook and invite your friends, too:
Summer days are supported by National Foundation of Civil Society (KÜSK) in the framework of the project „Motivated volunteers, improved indusion and higher quality!“ and with support of Eramus+ programme under the project „Involve! Include!