Otsitakse EVS vabatahtlikke Rumeeniasse algusega 04.09.2015 (kestvus 1 aasta). Projekt on väga põnev (vt kirjeldust alt poolt) ning soovitame kindlasti kandideerida. Kui sa veel ei tea, mida teed sügisel 2015, siis kandideeri kindlasti. Kui selgub, et sa ei saa osaleda mingil põhjusel, saab sinu asemel minna lihtsalt mõni teine Eesti noor.
Kandideerimiseks saada oma inglise keelne CV ja avaldus (lae alla SIIT) hiljemalt 12.01.2014ks aadressidele: zoldnapegyesulet@gmail.com ja evs.seiklejad@gmail.com paralleelselt.
Green Sun Association is searching for volunteers for an EVS project in Targu Secuiesc, Transylvania, Romania. The project is called " Let`s move!". This project will be submitted in February 2015 and the voluntary stage will start in 4 of September 2015. We need 3 volunteer from various countries (all the Erasmus plus eligible countries) and the stage will last for 12 months.
Have in mind that the activities of the project can be adapted also according to your proposals if they fit whit the project objectives and they are feasible to do in this region. The venues of their activities will be in the small town of Targu Secuiesc.
Dates of the stage: 4 of September 2015 – 4 of September 2016 (12 months)
Eligible countries: all the Erasmus plus eligible countries
Main activities:
Please note: All volunteers have the opportunity to create there own mini project during EVS.
The volunteers will be splinted in 2 different parts of the NGO like this:
- 2 of the volunteers will help to lead the usually ping-pong program of the association. This program includes working in 2 groups/2 time per week with children and youngsters. The activities consist in teaching children's how to play and preparing them for eventual contests
o Helping the association in his regulary organized sport events: bike events, ping-pong, athletics, board games, etc.
o develope new programmes together wit the local volunteers in the theme of sport
o create alternative gettaways for the local people
o Helping in the promotion of Nemere Trail - the second greenway for bicycles in Covasna County
- 1 volunteer will work with the high school students and they will make non formal education activities.
o Helping to prepare small local projects
o Leading informing activities with the help of the specialist in various programs
o Developing new green game ideas
o Create and develop a green school based on non-formal education
Also the volunteers will have as activities:
- promoting volunteering activities in order to have new volunteers (they will do that organising different events were they invite to participate volunteers from the city.)
- participating on different voluntary activities (presenting the national culture and traditions to youth, etc.)
Profile of the volunteer:
- conversational knowledge of a foreign language (e.g. english)
- open and receptive attitude, addicted spirit to sport
- sensitivity to environmental problems
- ability to work in a team and work individually as well
- creativity and sociability