Koolituse ajakava asub SIIN.
Kandideerimiseks täida ära taotlusvorm SIIN Osalejad leitud :)
Projekti eesmärgid:
Projekti eesmärgid:
The main goal of this project is to explore how
young people and youth work can benefit from creation of genuine youth
documentaries on what kind of (multicultural) societies we want to live in.
Goals of the
project are:
Ø To raise
knowledge of youth about history of Balkans and Europe;
Ø To raise
understanding of youth about multicultural concepts in Balkans and modern
Ø To
contribute to better understanding of young people about the needs of other
nationalities in their countries;
Ø To
improve skills of young people in the non-violent communication, critical
thinking and photo and video production;
Ø To
recognize and highlight positive examples of multiculturalism in the community;
Ø To raise
awareness of public about the youth ideas about the values and challenges of
living multicultural Balkans;
Ø To
contribute to decrease of use of hate speech and violence among youth that is
based on nationality.
Enne kandideerimist veendu, et saad antud kuupäevadel osaleda ja ole valmis oma osalust kinnitama paari päeva jooksul (juhul kui osutud valituks).
Tutvu projektidesse mineja ABC -ga SIIN. Küsimused postita kommentaaridesse või facebooki.
NB! Projektis saad osaleda siis kui sa elad antud hetkel Eestis ja reisid projekti Eestist.