Reisikindlustus on kohustuslik ja iga osaleja omavastutus. Euroopa ravikindlustuskaardist ainult ei piisa.
Kandideerimiseks täida ära taotlusvorm SIIN. Hetke seisuga (20.09) vähemalt 1 vaba koht! NB! Ankeet tuleb täita inglise keeles!
Enne kandideerimist veendu, et saad antud kuupäevadel osaleda ja ole valmis oma osalust kinnitama paari päeva jooksul (juhul kui osutud valituks).
Tutvu projektidesse mineja ABC -ga SIIN. Küsimused postita kommentaaridesse või facebooki.
NB! Projektis saad osaleda siis kui sa elad antud hetkel Eestis ja reisid projekti Eestist.
Lisainfo projekti kohta:
Lisainfo projekti kohta:
- common understanding of the main topics (chidren's rights, active citizenship, racism, gender issues, migration, lgbtq)
- develop ideas and working groups for games
- get to know online learning applications
- think together about the ways of online self diercted learning through games
Participants: 2 persons from each partner NGO, the game developer who will be responsible for the development (needs more educational experience than IT) and a volunteer who is a meber of the game development team
Short summary of the program:
- day
introduction, agenda, dinner together - day
outdoor team building
gaming session with HRE/EDC games - day
workshops held by all partners about their own topic
good examples of games which can be adapted online - day
lecture about games in education
free online learning softwares
brainstorming game ideas
self directed learning possibilities - day
game development
background materials